Indonesia Treasury

Tuesday 31 May 2011

IFC Financing

IFC Financing

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IFC offers a wide variety of financial products for private sector projects. Like other private sector investors and commercial lenders, IFC invests in profitable projects, fully share risks with our partners, and charge market rates for its products and services.

IFC does not lend directly to micro, small, and medium enterprises or individual entrepreneurs, but many of our investment clients are financial intermediaries that on-lend to smaller businesses.

Project Eligibility

To be eligible for IFC funding, a project must meet a number of criteria. The project must:
• Be located in Indonesia
• Be in the private sector
• Be technically sound
• Have good prospects of being profitable
• Benefit the local economy; and
• Be environmentally and socially sound, satisfying IFC environmental and social standards as well as those of Indonesia.

IFC’s Added Value:
• A unique role: IFC financing is done on market terms. However instead of competing with private capital, IFC complements it.
• Relationships and experience: IFC has extensive experience building relationships with foreign governments, knowledge of how to do business in developing countries, and years of sector specific expertise.
• Expertise on sustainability: By working with IFC, companies draw on the expertise and
reputation of a partner recognized for its social and environmental safeguards.

IFC Investment Services
Our investment products consist of:
• Loans and intermediary services
• Equity and quasi-equity
• Syndications
• Structured and securitized products
• Risk management products
• Trade finance
• Sub-national finance
Treasury operations