Saturday, 5 September 2009


“Harta raja-raja Nusantara berupa ratusan ribu ton emas dan harta lainnnya itu dibawa ke Belanda (sebagai penjajah) dari Indonesia, kemudian Belanda kalah perang dengan Jerman, maka Jerman memboyong harta itu ke negaranya. Lalu dalam perang dunia kedua, Jerman kalah dengan Amerika, maka Amerika membawa semua harta itu ke negaranya hingga kini.“




1. Pd Awal Abad 17 ASET HARTA Raja2 & Kesultanan Nusantara (Cirebon, G.Pakuan, Banten, Deli, Riau, Kutai, Makasar, Bone, Goa, Luwut,Ternate, dLL,) Dalam Nilai Ratusan Trilyun USD (dalam bentuk emas,logam mulia,berlian,dsb) diSimpan di Bank Zuchrigh - Jerman (karena pada saat itu Jerman adalah negara makmur & menguasai DUNIA. Serta bank tersebut adalah salah satu bank yg tertua di dunia)

2. Pd Thn 1620 Nusantara di JAJAH BELANDA selama 3,5'Abad. Bgi Kesultanan / Raja2 Nusantara yg Melawan Belanda, DATA Administrasi HARTA di Bumi Hanguskan, Hanya bagi Kerajaan Amangkurat I tetap memiliki DATA UTUH, Krn PnJiLat Blanda.

Salah satu bukti Amangkurat I sbg penjilat Belanda : Pangeran Girilaya - Raja Cirebon II selaku menantu dari Raja Amangkurat I, atas tipuan - Undangan Makan - ternyata Raja Cirebon II beserta kedua putranya yg berumur 11 & 9 thn ditahan selama 10 thn, hingga wafatnya Raja Cirebon II yg dimakamkan di Girilaya. Atas wafatnya Raja Cirebon II, Sultan TRUNUJOYO diutus untuk menjemput kedua putra mahkota tsb untuk menggantikan tahta Kerajaan Cirebon. Dgn melalui peperangan, akhirnya Trunojoya berhasil membawa Putra Mahkota yg kedua/adiknya. Sedangkan Putra Mahkota yg pertama/kakaknya,diamankan oleh paman dr Ibunya ke Gn.Lawu. Hingga akhirnya berdiri Kerajaan Cirebon mnjadi dua kesultanan,yaitu; KANOMAN & KASEPUHAN.

3. Pd Th 1939, AS Setting "Bung Karno" untuk Menata ASET Raja2 Nusantara dan Pngalihan HAK atas nama Pribadi SOEKARNO.
a. PENYERAHAN HIBAH REKAYASA dilakukan oleh Raja SoLo & Yogya yg Mengatasnamakan Raja2 Nusantara. Selanjutnya Aset Ke 2 RAJA Tsb UTUH/TDK DI HIBAHKAN.
b. HAK AHLIWARIS RajaNusantara, SPESERPUN NIHIL (tdk menerima hak waris).

4. Th.1944 Berdirilah BANK DUNIA atas DASAR COLETRAL ASET RajaNusantara!! Bank Dunia mulai memberikan pinjaman kepada 40 Negara. Maka semenjak itu AS semakin KUAT utk CETAK UANG & SUSUN STRATEGI PERSENJATAAN utk menguasai dunia.

5. Th.1945 'PD.-II. JEPANG MNYERAH, Mbri Kmerdekaan.
Beberapa fakta :

a. Bung Karno dalam salah satu pidatonya pernah berkata "..kalau Jepang tidak memberikan kemerdekaan kepada kita,maka saya akan minta AS utk mem-bom Jepang.."
b. Bung Karno diangkat Jdi KETUA PBB, Bukankah pada Waktu itu org Asing Banyak yg Lebih Pintar dr Bung Karno? "TDK ANEH LGI". Krn Brdirinya Bank Dunia berasal dr Aset RAJA NUSANTARA. Smp saat ini,tidak ada jabatan Ketua PBB selain Bung Karno,yang ada hanyalah SEKJEN.
Th.45' utk Bngun NEGARA Klau Bung Karno JUJUR & BENAR (TDK AMBISIUS), Hrsnya Kumpulkn Sultan2 Nusntara Utk diberi tahu Klau Buyutnya (Raja Nusantara) pd Abd.17'SimpnHrta di Bank Juchrigh-Jerman. Knpa Bung Karno BUNGKAM?.?

6. Antara thn 50 -53, Bung Karno memberikan PELIMPAHAN COLETERAL kepada Kolega & Keluarganya, yg berasal dari ASET RAJA2 NUSANTARA yg dihibahkan atas nama pribadi Bung Karno. Skrg sdh pd Balik Nama.

7. Th.54, sebagian sisa Dana Koleteral tsb dibagi2kan dalam bentuk AMANAH kpd 73 org Tkoh Negara & Ulama, Krn Ada Kpentingan POLITIK PRAKTIS. Th.55 Pmilu Pertama, Bung Karno diangkat Presiden "SEUMUR HIDUP"

a. Penerima PELIMPAHAN COLETERAL mendapatkan Royalti, namun pemegang AMANAH tdk mendapatkan Royalti. Siapakah yg Nikmati Royalti atas Dana Coleteral dr Bank Dunia? Siapa Lagi Kalau Bukan Colega & KLrgnya.

b. Perlu Pndirian "LEVARN" / Lembaga Executive Verifiksi Aset Raja Nusantra

c. MKSD+TJUAN: AtsTrsimpannya Aset Raja Nusantra, baik Milik Rja/Ksultanan: Cerbon, G.Pakuan, Banten, Deli, Riau, Kutai, Mksar, Bone, Goa, Luwut,Trnate, dLL, yg disimpn pd Awal Abd.17diBank Zuchrigh - Jerman dg Nilai RatusnTrliyun USD yg telah diHibahkan ke Pribadi Ir.Soekarno (Rekyasa JO. AS), Utk MODAL AWAL Pmbentukan BANK DUNIA, kini sdh pd Balik nama bgi a/n Kelrga & Coleganya (di_Luar AMANAH). Hrs Di VERIFIKASI/ Tata Juridis FormiL Utk Ktetapn HAK bgi Ahli WARIS & NEGARA.
d. Dlm Prtemuan Para Sultan SeIndonesia diBali pd thn lalu. Selaku Ahliwaris Mengharapkan KEADILAN HAK, atas HartaYg di Gelapkan. Smg Para AMANAH dLL, Mnyadari ats Kganjilan Hibah tsb.

8. Mengapa BK Keluar dr PBB & Pidatonya antara Th 1959 s/d 1963, Ber-API2 ANTI IMPERIALIS, ANTI NEKOLIM..! Krn ColetraLnya TERNYATA TDK BS DICAIRKAN & DIGUNAKAN UTK PEMBANGUNAN NKRI sesuai dgn REPELITA yg telah diprogram. Alias dipersulit oleh AS

9. AS berkepentingan untuk membungkam Bung Karno,selain krn alas an Dana Coleteral tsb, juga krn Bung Karno membentuk POROS SEGITIGA Peking-Jakarta-Pyongyang. Selanjutnya melalui KONSPIRASI & tipu daya,AS bertindak sebagai DALANG atas lengsernya Bung Karno.

10. Tiga org Jendral (yg terlibat dlm gerakan BAWAH TANAH buatan AS) datang & menodongkan senjata kepada Bung Karno untuk Menandatangani SUPERSEMAR.
Kemudian isi Supersemar di-UBAH (dipalsukan) & diserahkan kpd Soeharto. Soeharto tdk mengetahui ttg PEMALSUAN Supersemar tsb & menjalankan Supersemar dng baik. Soeharto baru mengetahui hal tsb skitar thn ‘80an. Namun sdh terlambat & SEJARAH sdh terlanjur dituliskan.

11. Soekarno lengser & Soeharto menjabat sebagai Presiden RI.

12. Sekitar Th. 1995, 7 orang pemegang SURAT AMANAH dr Soekarno, menghadap Soeharto agar Pemerintah dapat menggunakan Dana Coletral tsb utk pembangunan RI.
Dana Coletral tsb (yg ada di Bank Dunia) tdk dpt dicairkan,namun dapat digunakan untuk Jaminan Cetak Uang. Soeharto mengajukan ijin utk pencetakan IDR atas Jaminan Dana Coletral tsb.

13. Dilakukan Sidang Moneter Internasional, dng salah satu agenda utk membahas rencana pencetakan IDR oleh pemerintah RI. 10-negara menolak utk memberikan ijin (termasuk AS & sekutunya),sisanya mengijinkan. Atas dasar voting,maka pemerintah RI diijinkan utk mencetak uang sebesar "Rp. 20.000 trilyun" dng jaminan 5 Coletral (Salah satu Coletral tsb adalah milik Kerajaan Cirebon sebesar 13.000 trilyun)
AS tdk memberikan ijin,krn khawatir Soeharto akan membangkitkan DUNIA ISLAM. Krn thn 1987 Yayasan AmalBaktiMuslimPancasila sdh mulai merintis & menggalakkan bantuan utk pembangunan masjid di sluruh Ind. Mbak Tutut sdh mulai memakai kerudung & dianggap sbg simbol kebangkitan dunia Islam.

14. Pencetakan uang dilakukan di Jerman & Israel (pemenang tender adalah Australia). Disisi lain AS & sekutunya mulai melakukan KONSPIRASI utk merusak stabilitas Ekonomi Internasional.

15. Maret 1997, secara bertahap IDR sdh mulai masuk ke Ind (masih berstatus atas nama Amanah yg ditempatkan di luar gudang BI). Baru sekitar 9% IDR tsb yg diregristasi oleh BI,terjadilah KRISIS MONETER krn George Soros melakukan transaksi PEMBELIAN RUPIAH secara besar2an yg dibayar dgn USD. IDR dicetak dalam cetakan uang plastik pecahan Rp.100.000,- thn cetakan 1997.
Pak HArto berencana dlm periode 1998 ? 2003, TrySutrisno menjabat sebagai Wakil Presiden. Thn 2000 Pak Harto membuat pondasi sbg landasan kuat dlm pembanguna tinggal landas utk take off menuju ADIL & MAKMUR. Thn 2002 Pak Harto berencana utk mengundurkan diri & dilanjutkan oleh wakilnya Try Sutrisno sbg presiden.

16. AS semakin gencar melakukan konspirasi,sadar ataupun tdk sadar byk unsur masyarakat yg sdh masuk dalam TIPU DAYA & skenario AS.

a. a].Byk mahasiswa, rakyat yg merasa idealis & menuntut lengsernya Soeharto. Namun sesungguhnya mrk tidak sadar bhwa ini semua adalah skenario AS utk menurunkan Soeharto.
b. b].Bberapa Tokoh Boneka Politik bentukan AS, yaitu 4 org yg dikenal dgn sebutan "SMAG"
c. c].Terjadinya KERUSUHAN MEI,yg dikoordinir oleh seorang tokoh pemuda atas cetakan SMAG.

17. Soeharto lengser & BJ Habibie menjabat sbg presiden RI.

18. Smua IDR pada akhirnya smp di Indonesia, Pak Harto memerintahkan 49org JENDERAL (7org Jenderal Bintang-4 & 42org Jenderal Bintang-2) utk mengamankan gudang2 IDR yg masih bersatus atas nama Amanah.

19. BJ Habibie dipolitisir oleh AS utk realisasi Referendum di TimTim, dng janji apabila terlaksana dng 'JUJUR & ADIL' maka Habibie akan didukung utk menjabat sbg Presiden RI utk selanjutnya.
Habibie diTIPU MENTAH2 oleh AS & sekutunya. Hasil jajak pendapat diMANIPULASI (yg dihitung di Gd.Putih-AS,tdk dihitung di lapangan) & berujung pada lepasnya TimorTimur dr NKRI. Itulah jatuhnya Habibie dampak tertipu politik praktis. Karena Habibie sejatinya bukan org misi AS, melainkan Habibie adalah Jerman-isme.

20. Rapuhnya Pemerintahan RI & sebagian besar Tokoh2 Negara terlibat dlam dosa "KERUSUHAN MEI". AS PEGANG KARTU Tokoh2 Negara tsb, lalu leluasa utk MENDIKTE pemerintah. Boleh dikata,semenjak itu PEMERINTAHAN hanya menjadi boneka AS & tdk mampu utk lepas dr cengkraman AS.


a. Kebenaran ini dituliskan bukan utk menyudutkan PIHAK2 TERTENTU, namun utk MENEGAKKAN SEBUAH KEBENARAN.
b. Bangsa Indonesia sngat beruntung telah memiliki 2 org PUTRA TERBAIKNYA yaitu SOEKARNO & SOEHARTO.
c. Rapatkan barisan,jgn mudah teradu domba oleh KONSPIRASI AS & sekutunya. Tumbuhkan jiwa PATRIOTIK kita,karena bisa jadi..melalui KONSPIRASI AS, perang AFGHANISTAN & IRAK dapat terjadi di TanahAir yg qta Cintai ini..
d. Atas Cronologis Harta SOEKARNO tsb. Pd Prinsipnya KITA, para PEMEGANG AMANAH & penerimaPELIMPAHA COLETERAL, perlu utk Menyadari Bahwa Pelaksanaan HIBAH ASET RAJA NUSANTARA, Kpd Pribadi Bung Karno adalah "CACAD HUKUM"
e. Brg_Amanh BK' Bkn urusan Qt,melainkan Urusan KARUHUN, dan itu semua hanya Panggung Sandiwara.*
Sumber :

“Considering this statement, which was written and signed in Novemver, 21th 1963 while the new certificate was valid in 1965 all the ownership, then the following total volumes were just obtained.”

Itulah sepenggal kalimat yang menjadi berkah sekaligus kutukan bagi bangsa Indonesia hingga kini. Kalimat itu menjadi kalimat penting dalam perjanjian antara Presiden Amerika Serikat John F. Kennedy dengan Soekarno pada 1963.

Soekarno dan John F. Kennedy
Banyak pengamat Amerika melihat perjanjian yang kini dikenal dengan nama “The Green Hilton Agreement” itu sebagai sebuah kesalahan bangsa Amerika. Tetapi bagi Indonesia, itulah sebuah kemenangan besar yang diperjuangkan Bung Karno. Sebab volume batangan emas tertera dalam lembaran perjanjian itu terdiri dari 17 paket sebanyak 57.150 ton lebih emas murni.
Bahasa lain yang sering dikemukakan Bung Karno kepada rekan terdekatnya, bahwa ia ingin harta nenek moyang yang telah dirampas oleh imprealisme dan kolonialisme dulu bisa kembali. Tetapi perjanjian yang diteken itu, hanya sebatas pengakuan dan mengabaikan pengembaliannya. Sebab Negeri Paman Sam itu mengambilnya sebagai harta pampasan perang dunia I dan II. Konon cerita, harta itu dibawa ke Belanda dari Indonesia, kemudian Belanda kalah perang dengan Jerman, maka Jerman memboyong harta itu ke negaranya. Lalu dalam perang dunia kedua, Jerman kalah dengan Amerika, maka Amerika membawa semua harta itu ke negaranya hingga kini.
Perjanjian itu berkop surat Burung Garuda bertinta emas di bagian atasnya yang kemudian menjadi pertanyaan besar pengamat Amerika. Yang ikut serta menekan dalam perjanjian itu tertera John F. Kennedy selaku Presiden Amerika Serikat dan William Vouker yang berstempel “The President of The United State of America” dan dibagian bawahnya tertera tandatangan Soerkarno dan Soewarno berstempel “Switzerland of Suisse.” Yang menjadi pertanyaan kita bersama adalah, mengapa Soekarno tidak menggunakan stempel RI. Pertanyaan itu sempat terjawab, bahwa beliau khawatir harta itu akan dicairkan oleh pemimpin Indonesia yang korup, kelak.
Perjanjian yang oleh dunia moneter dipandang sebagai pondasi kolateral ekonomi dunia hingga kini, menjadi perdebatan panjang yang tak kunjung selesai pada kedua negara, Indonesia dan Amerika. Banyak para tetua dan kini juga anak muda Indonesia dengan bangganya menceritakan bahwa Amerika kaya karena dijamin harta rakyat Indonesia. Bahkan ada yang mengatakan, Amerika berhutang banyak pada rakyat Indonesia, karena harta itu bukan punya pemerintah dan bukan punya negara Indonesia, melainkan harta rakyat Indonesia. Tetapi, bagi bangsa Amerika, perjanjian kolateral ini dipandang sebagai sebuah kesalahan besar sejarah Amerika.

The Green Hilton Agreement 1963.
Barangkali ini pulalah penyebab, mengapa Bung Karno kemudian dihabisi karir politiknya oleh Amerika sebelum berlakunya masa jatuh tempo The Green Hiltom Agreement. Ini berkaitan erat dengan kegiatan utama Soeharto ketika menjadi Presiden RI ke-2. Dengan dalih sebagai dalang PKI, banyak orang terdekat Bung Karno dipenjarakan tanpa pengadilan seperti Soebandrio dan lainnya. Menurut tutur mereka kepada pers, ia dipaksa untuk menceritakan bagaimana ceritanya Bung Karno menyimpan harta nenek moyang di luar negeri. Yang terlacak kemudian hanya “Dana Revolusi” yang nilainya tidak seberapa. Tetapi kekayaan yang menjadi dasar perjanjian The Green Hilton Agreement ini hampir tidak terlacak oleh Soeharto, karena kedua peneken perjanjian sudah tiada.

Kendati perjanjian itu mengabaikan pengembaliannya, namun Bung Karno mendapatkan pengakuan bahwa status koloteral tersebut bersifat sewa (leasing). Biaya yang ditetapkan Bung Karno dalam perjanjian sebesar 2,5% setahun bagi siapa atau bagi negara mana saja yang menggunakannya. Dana pembayaran sewa kolateral ini dibayarkan pada sebuah account khusus atas nama The Heritage Foundation yang pencairannya hanya boleh dilakukan oleh Bung Karno sendiri atas restu yang dimuliakan Sri Paus Vatikan. Namun karena Bung Karno “sudah tiada” (wallahuallam), maka yang ditunggu adalah orang yang diberi kewenangan olehnya. Namun sayangnya, ia hanya pernah memberikan kewenangan pada satu orang saja di dunia dengan ciri-ciri tertentu. Dan inilah yang oleh kebanyakan masyarakat Indonesia, bahwa yang dimaksudkan adalah Satria Piningit yang kemudian disakralkan, utamanya oleh masyarakat Jawa. Tetapi kebenaran akan hal ini masih perlu penelitian lebih jauh.

April 2009, dana yang tertampung dalam The Heritage Foundation sudah tidak terhitung nilainya. Jika biaya sewa 2.5% ditetapkan dari total jumlah batangan emasnya 57.150 ton, maka selama 34 tahun hasil biaya sewanya saja sudah setera 48.577 ton emas. Artinya kekayaan itu sudah menjadi dua kali libat lebih, dalam kurun kurang dari setengah abad atau setara dengan USD 3,2 Trilyun atau Rp 31.718 Trilyun, jika harga 1 gram emas Rp 300 ribu. Hasil lacakan terakhir, dana yang tertampung dalam rekening khusus itu jauh lebih besar dari itu. Sebab rekening khusus itu tidak dapat tersentuh oleh otoritas keuangan dunia manapun, termasuk pajak. Karenanya banyak orang-orang kaya dunia menitipkan kekayaannya pada account khusus ini. Tercatat mereka seperti Donald Trump, pengusaha sukses properti Amerika, Raja Maroko, Raja Yordania, Turki, termasuk beberapa pengusaha besar dunia lainnya seperti Adnan Kassogi dan Goerge Soros. Bahkan Soros hampir menghabiskan setengah dari kekayaannya untuk mencairkan rekening khusus ini sebelumnya.

Pihak Turki malah pernah meloby beberapa orang Indonesia untuk dapat membantu mencairkan dana mereka di pada account ini, tetapi tidak berhasil. Para pengusaha kaya dari organisasi Yahudi malah pernah berkeliling Jawa jelang akhir 2008 lalu, untuk mencari siapa yang diberi mandat oleh Bung Karno terhadap account khusus itu. Para tetua ini diberi batas waktu oleh rekan-rekan mereka untuk mencairkan uang tersebut paling lambat Desember 2008. Namun tidak berhasil.

Usaha pencairan rekening khusus ini bukan kali ini saja, tahun 1998 menurut investigasi yang dilakukan, pernah dicoba juga tidak berhasil. Argumentasi yang diajukan tidak cukup kuat. Dan kini puluh orang dan ratusan orang dalam dan luar negeri mengaku sebagai pihak yang mendapat mandat tersebut. Ada yang usia muda dan ada yang tua. Hebatnya lagi, cerita mereka sama. Bahwa mereka mengaku penguasa aset rakyat Indonesia, dan selalu bercerita kepada lawan bicaranya bahwa dunia ini kecil dan dapat mereka atur dengan kekayaan yang ia terima. Ada yang mengaku anak Soekarno. lebih parah lagi, ada yang mengaku Soekarno sunggguhan tetapi kini telah berubah menjadi muda. Wow.
Padahal, hasil penelusuran penulis. Bung Karno tidak pernah memberikan mandat kepada siapapun. Dan setelah tahun 1965, Bung Karno ternyata tidak pernah menerbitkan dokumen-dokumen atas nama sipulan pun. Sebab setelah 1963 itu, owner harta rakyat Indonesia menjadi tunggal, ialah Bung Karno itu sendiri. Namun sayang, CUSIP Number (nomor register World Bank) atas kolateral ini bocor. Nah, CUSIP inilah yang kemudian dimanfaatkan kalangan banker papan atas dunia untuk menerbitkan surat-surat berharga atas nama orang Indonesia. Pokoknya siapapun, asal orang Indonesia berpassport Indonesia dapat dibuatkan surat berharga dari UBS, HSBC dan bank besar dunia lainnya. Biasanya terdiri dari 12 lembar, diantaranya ada yang berbentuk Proof of Fund, SBLC, Bank Guransi, dan lainnya. Nilainya pun pantastis. rata-rata diatas USD 500 juta. Bahkan ada yang bernilai USD 100 milyar.
Ketika dokumen tersebut dicek, maka kebiasaan kalangan perbankkan akan mengecek CUSIP Number. Jika memang berbunyi, maka dokumen tersebut dapat menjalani proses lebih lanjut. Biasanya kalangan perbankkan akan memberikan bank Officer khusus bagi surat berharga berformat ini dengan cara memasan Window Time untuk sekedar berbicara sesama bank officer jika dokumen tersebut akan ditransaksikan. Biasanya dokumen jenis ini hanya bisa dijaminkan atau lazim dibuatkan rooling program atau privcate placement yang bertempo waktu transaksi hingga 10 bulan dengan high yeild berkisar antara 100 s/d 600 % setahun. Uangnya hanya bisa dicairkan untuk proyek kemanusiaan. Makanya, ketika terjadi musibah tsunami di Aceh dan gempa besar lainnya di Indonesia, maka jenis dokumen ini beterbangan sejagat raya bank. Tapi anehnya, setiap orang Indonesia yang merasa nama tercantum dalam dokumen itu, masih miskin saja hingga kini. Mengapa? Karena memang hanya permainan banker kelas kakap untuk mengakali bagaimana caranya mencairkan aset yang terdapat dalam rekening khusus itu.
Melihat kasus ini, tak heran bila banyak pejabat Indonesia termasuk media massa Indonesia menyebut “orang gila” apabila ada seseorang yang mengaku punya harta banyak, milyaran dollar Amerika Serikat. Dan itulah pula berita yang banya menghiasi media massa. Ketidakpercayaan ini satu sisi menguntungkan bagi keberadaan harta yang ada pada account khusus ini, sisi lain akan membawa bahaya seperti yang sekarang terjadi. Yakni, tidak ada pembelaan rakyat, negara dan pemerintah Indonesia ketika harta ini benar-benar ada.
Kasih sedih itu terjadi. Presiden SBY ikut serta dalam pertemuan G20 April silam. Karena Presiden SBY tidak pernah percaya, atau mungkin ada hal lain yang kita belum tau, maka SBY ikut serta menandatangani rekomendasi G20. Padahal tekenan SBY dalam sebuah memorandum G20 di London itu telah diperalat oleh otoritas keuangan dunia untuk menghapuskan status harta dan kekayaan rakyat Indonesia yang diperjuangkan Bung Karno melalui kecanggihan diplomatik. Mengapa, karena isi memorandum itu adalah seakan memberikan otoritas kepada lembaga keuangan dunia seperti IMF dan World Bank untuk mencari sumber pendanaan baru bagi mengatasi keuangan global yang paling terparah dalam sejarah ummat manusia.

Atas dasar rekomendasi G20 itu, segera saja IMF dan World Bank mendesak Swiss untuk membuka 52.000 rekening di UBS yang oleh mereka disebut aset-aset bermasalah. Bahkan lembaga otoritas keuangan dunia sepakat mendesak Vatikan untuk memberikan restu bagi pencairan aset yang ada dalam The Heritage Foundation demi menyelamatkan ummat manusia. Memang, menurut sebuah sumber terpercaya, ada pertanyaan kecil dari Vatikan, apakah Indonesia juga telah menyetujui? Tentu saja, tandatangan SBY diperlihat dalam pertemuan itu. Berarti sirnalah sudah harta rakyat dan bangsa Indonesia. Barangkali inilah “dosa SBY” dan dosa kita semua yang paling besar dalam sejarah bangsa Indonesia. Sebab, bila SBY dan kita sepakat untuk paham akan hal ini, setidaknya ada geliat diplomatik tingkat tinggi untuk mencairkan aset sebesar itu. Lantas ada pertanyan; Sebodoh itukah kita? (safari ans: tulisan ini akan terus diperkaya. Conbtact; email Sms. 0818778216).

Sumber :

G-20: Presiden Sampaikan Proposal Indonesia

SBY-Obama di G-20
SBY-Obama di G-20Presiden Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono menyampaikan proposal Indonesia pada sesi Working Breakfast KTT G-20, di ExCel London, Inggris, Kamis (2/4) pagi waktu setempat atau petang di Indonesia. Presiden SBY duduk bersebelahan dengan Presiden AS Barack Obama. Indonesia mendukung terjadinya kesepakatan dalam empat isu penting.
Keempat isu itu adalah pentingnya stimulus fiskal maupun kebijakan moneter. Kedua, koreksi terhadap kegagalan regulasi dan supervisi yang mengakibatkan krisis global. Ketiga, perlu bantuan dana bagi negara berkembang yang menjadi korban tak berdosa. Keempat, reformasi terhadap lembaga keuangan internasional.
Indonesia sudah mendiskusikan sikapnya itu dengan negara-negara peserta KTT G-20, melalui serangkaian pertemuan bilateral yang dipimpin SBY. Sehari sebelum puncak acara KTT, Presiden SBY juga menyampaikan proposal Indonesia kepada Barack Obama, yang ramah menyapa SBY dalam beberapa kosa kata Indonesia. (
usulan Indonesia adalah Global Expenditure Support Financing (GESF)
seusia dengan :
Manfaatnya bagi Pemerintah Indonesia

Selasa, 31 Maret 2009 | 04:24 WIB

Anggito Abimanyu
Konferensi Tingkat Tinggi G-20 Kedua di London (London Summit) akan dilaksanakan minggu ini, 1 dan 2 April 2009, di tengah situasi perekonomian global yang masih tidak menentu. Pertumbuhan ekonomi global tahun 2009 diperkirakan akan negatif yang berpengaruh terhadap penurunan demand ekspor negara berkembang. Stimulus fiskal dari sejumlah negara masih diragukan efektivitasnya akibat munculnya isu proteksionisme dan isu supply financing bagi program stimulus di negara berkembang.
Selain itu, sistem keuangan global secara praktis masih belum berfungsi secara normal akibat proses deleveraging di negara maju yang mengakibatkan langkanya likuiditas internasional dan turunnya net capital inflow ke negara berkembang secara drastis. Sistem keuangan, khususnya di negara maju, masih dihantui potensi kerugian yang belum sepenuhnya terungkap terkait toxic assets sistem perbankan akibat krisis mortgage di AS. Lembaga-lembaga keuangan internasional yang diharapkan menjadi katalisator dalam periode krisis ternyata efektivitasnya dibebani oleh masalah kredibilitas dan legitimasi akibat kurangnya keterwakilan negara berkembang dalam proses governance-nya (lihat Tabel 1: Pertumbuhan Ekonomi).
Akibat besarnya jangkauan isu yang dihadapi itu, banyak pihak mempertanyakan kemampuan G-20 mengatasi krisis. Lebih jauh lagi, terdapat pula keraguan mengenai kohesivitas di G-20 mengingat setiap anggota tentunya akan memperjuangkan isu yang terkait paling erat dengan kepentingannya dan hal itu akan berdampak pada respons, prioritas, dan pendekatan krisis yang berbeda. Bagi publik domestik, hal tersebut memunculkan pertanyaan mengenai manfaat yang akan diperoleh Indonesia dari partisipasinya di forum G-20 akibat kekhawatiran mengenai kooptasi isu di G-20 oleh negara maju.
Respons G-20
Terlepas dari banyaknya isu yang harus dibahas, London Summit sendiri sebetulnya merupakan puncak dari suatu siklus kerja di G-20. Di tingkat teknis, G-20 telah membagi isu ke dalam berbagai tingkat pembahasan yang beranggotakan otoritas finansial dan moneter negara anggota yang melakukan koordinasi intensif selama 7 x 24 jam.
Terkait dengan instrumen krisis, regulasi, dan arsitektur keuangan internasional, G-20 membentuk empat kelompok kerja (working group/WG): (i) Enhancing sound regulation and transparency, (ii) Promoting integrity in the financial markets, (iii) IMF reform, dan (iv) Multilateral development banks (MDBs) reform. Selain itu, terdapat juga forum koordinasi di tingkat deputi menteri keuangan dan gubernur bank sentral G-20 guna membahas kebijakan makro (fiskal dan moneter), serta forum sherpa yang bertugas membahas isu-isu ekonomi nonkeuangan dan moneter (seperti isu perdagangan, dan tenaga kerja).
Walaupun terdapat kekhawatiran bahwa perbedaan kepentingan di antara anggota G-20 akan menyebabkan friksi, keanggotaan G-20 yang terbatas dan format pertemuan yang stabil selama satu dasawarsa terakhir berkontribusi bagi terbentuknya tingkat kepercayaan di antara anggota G-20 dalam rangka mencapai konsensus.
Secara umum terdapat konvergensi di G-20 bahwa (i) krisis saat ini disebabkan oleh ketidaksepadanan antara kepentingan global dan nasional (sovereign policy) sehingga respons kebijakan domestik haruslah mempertimbangkan dampak di luar batas negara dan perlunya koordinasi respons secara global; (ii) krisis menimpa baik negara maju maupun berkembang melalui mekanisme yang berbeda sehingga membutuhkan respons yang berbeda pula; dan (iii) krisis juga diakibatkan oleh tidak memadainya arsitektur keuangan global (termasuk lembaga keuangan multilateral) dalam merespons krisis secara efektif akibat masalah kredibilitas dan legitimasi sehingga perlu dilakukan reformasi terhadap sistem keuangan internasional.
Berdasarkan kesadaran tersebut, G-20 membagi prioritas respons menjadi tindakan segera dan jangka menengah berdasarkan perbedaan urgensi dari setiap isu (lihat Tabel 2: Langkah Bersama).
G-20 bagi Indonesia
Secara umum, di G-20 Indonesia memiliki posisi unik yang menyuarakan tidak hanya kepentingan Indonesia sebagai emerging market, tetapi juga kepentingan ASEAN dan negara berkembang lainnya termasuk Low Income Countries.
Manfaat G-20 sangat besar bagi Indonesia tidak hanya untuk mengungkil posisi kita di antara negara berkembang lainnya, tetapi terlebih karena Indonesia bisa secara langsung berpartisipasi dalam membentuk arsitektur ekonomi dan finansial global sesuai dengan kepentingan kita, G-20 diarahkan untuk menggantikan fungsi dari G-8 sebagai pemerintahan bayangan dari sistem ekonomi dan finansial global.
Fokus Indonesia sendiri di G-20 adalah untuk: (i) memitigasi dampak krisis terhadap Indonesia dan negara berkembang yang telah secara tidak adil terkena dampak dari krisis yang bermula di negara maju melalui penurunan aliran modal ke negara berkembang yang menghambat proses pembangunan dan pencapaian tujuan pembangunan milenium (MDGs); (ii) mengamankan posisi Indonesia dan negara berkembang di dalam sistem ekonomi dan finansial global yang baru dengan mencegah terbentuknya standar regulasi yang berpotensi merugikan perkembangan sektor keuangan dan sebaliknya justru mengupayakan agar sistem yang baru mendukung pengembangannya; (iii) mendorong dilakukannya reformasi lembaga keuangan internasional melalui peningkatan keterwakilan negara berkembang dalam proses governance.
Sebagai implementasi, Indonesia secara konsisten memperjuangkan dibentuknya instrumen pendanaan yang murah, bersifat tanpa persyaratan dan percepatan pencairan yang diperuntukkan bagi negara berkembang dengan kerangka kebijakan dan fundamental yang baik seperti Indonesia.
Proposal tersebut yang dikenal sebagai Global Expenditure Support Financing (GESF) telah disampaikan Presiden Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono dalam Washington Summit tahun lalu. Sebagai penghargaan terhadap proposal Yudhoyono tersebut, Indonesia bersama dengan Perancis ditunjuk oleh G-20 untuk mengetuai WG4 mengenai reformasi MDBs yang salah satu pembahasannya adalah mengenai instrumen itu.
Terkait dengan reformasi IMF, Indonesia juga memegang peranan penting di G-20 karena Menteri Keuangan RI sebagai salah satu figur internasional yang kerap menyuarakan urgensi reformasi IMF merupakan anggota independent panel of experts on IMF reform (yang dikenal sebagai Manuel Commission) yang hasil rekomendasinya menjadi salah satu acuan bagi pembahasan di G-20.
Sebagai hasil partisipasi aktif di G-20, Indonesia telah berhasil memetik beberapa manfaat konkret, antara lain: (i) Indonesia masuk sebagai anggota baru Financial Stability Forum (FSF) yang merupakan standard setting body bagi sistem keuangan; (ii) Indonesia telah mendapatkan Deferred Drawdown Option (DDO) dari Bank Dunia, Bank Pembangunan Asia (ADB), Jepang, dan Australia bagi program pengentasan masyarakat dari kemiskinan dan infrastruktur yang kemudian menjadi model bagi GESF; (iii) G-20 yang merupakan pemegang saham terbesar di ADB berkomitmen untuk meningkatkan permodalan ADB guna mendorong pembangunan di kawasan Asia; dan (iv) negara maju berkomitmen untuk memberikan peningkatan kapasitas bagi pengembangan sektor keuangan di negara berkembang.
Terdapat juga manfaat nonkeuangan, seperti komitmen G-20 untuk menjamin dan melindungi hak pekerja migran.
Anggito Abimanyu Kepala Badan Kebijakan Fiskal, Depkeu dan Co-Chair Working Group 4 G-20


General Overview of the History

From 1944/5 - 1994/5 The Trilateral Trillenium Tripartite Gold Commission (TTTGC) was organised and implemented, by the Nations of the World, with a Term period of Fifty (50) years. During this term period the Commission held the Mandate, Rights and Authorities over The Combined International Collateral Accounts of the Global Debt Facility. (Note: This Commission should not be confused with the Trilateral Commission that exists today). Following the expiry of the 50 year term, the Nations of the World, disappointed with the biased way The Combined International Collateral Accounts had been utilised within the 50 years, agreed not to extend the term of the TTTGC, but instead appointed a single independent person to the position of International Treasury Controller with full rights, authority, and legal ownership of the Combined International Collateral Accounts.

On January 20th 1995, Dr. Ray C. Dam was appointed International Treasury Controller, and Legal Heir and Owner of the Combined International Collateral Accounts of the Global Debt Facility, with full authority and dispositional control of same, under Legal Decadency RCD 1088, executed by the Nations of the World. Also established on January 20, 1995 was The Office of International Treasury Control, as the management, administrative and operations organization for His Excellency, Dr. Ray C. Dam.

Dr. Ray C. Dam is a person, but His Excellency Dr. Ray C. Dam is a certified and indemnified international Central Banking financial institution operating as The Office of International Treasury Control.

Following the confirmation of the Powers and Authorities of His Excellency Dr. Ray C. Dam by the “Washington Panel” in 1998, the establishment of the Institution ---- The Office of International Treasury Control ---- was completed on January 20, 2003, whereby, based upon the content and requirements of numerous International Treaties, The Office of International Treasury Control was granted Sovereign Entity Status under the United Nations Charter Control No: 10-60847.

Though not generally or publicly known, OITC is the largest International Institution of its kind. It is the largest single owner of gold and platinum bullion in the World, in addition to being a major owner of Bank Debenture Securities, International Treasuries, Cash and other forms of securities, all of which are recorded as assets of the Combined International Collateral Accounts of the Global Debt Facility, whose accounts are held within the Federal Reserve, The Bank for International Settlements, The US Treasury, Swiss National Bank, Swiss Federal Finance Administration.
Since being established, the OITC has become the largest single owner of Home Mortgage Securities in the World today. Original assets in the form of gold have been wisely and well utilized to create wealth that creates further wealth.

The Assets of the Combined International Collateral Accounts are in constant use, assisting to finance countries and such organisations, either in part or full, as the International Monetary Fund, The World Bank, The International Finance Corporation, International Development Banks, United Nations, and additionally under-pinning the US Dollar as the World’s Reserve Currency.

So as to protect the assets, as well as protecting Dr. Ray C. Dam (International Treasury Controller), together with all other persons involved, full International Protection and Immunity under Full Jacket Security Level 3 - 5 was applied, attested and affirmed under the Great Seal of America (No: 632-258894) on behalf of the International Community, together and conjointly with Sovereign Entity Status under the United Nations.

It should be noted that only a few persons in each country of the world are eligible to be able to verify, or undertake a verification, re: the position of Dr. Ray C. Dam (International Treasury Controller) and the Office of International Treasury Control. Such persons are limited to Kings, Queens, Presidents, Prime Ministers, with Ministers of Finance and Ministers of Foreign Affairs subject to security status and special conditions / dispensation.
For anyone, other than those persons referred to above, to attempt to undertake verification would be futile and would result in deliberate misinformation on same, or no response at all. Additionally, “Classified” information is not available, and never will be, on or through the “www” or various Web Sites which are totally unregulated, uncontrolled, and legally void, whereby reference to such Web Sites will only reveal speculations, innuendoes, comments from the uninformed, deliberate propaganda and misinformation, or similar. YOU ARE THEREFORE ADVISED NOT TO UTILISE THE “WWW” OR VARIOUS WEB SITES FOR ANY FORM OF VERIFICATION AS IT IS NOT OFFICIAL, NOR IS IT A PROFESSIONAL METHOD OF VERIFICATION, NOR WILL IT GIVE YOU ANY CORRECT OR ACCURATE INFORMATION.

International Treaties.

Jekyll Island Agreement (Georgia U.S.A., 1908.)
The Aldrich Act (U.S.A. 1910 )
Creation of Federal Reserve System (Washington, U.S.A., 1913)
Trilateral Tripartite Trillenium Pact Between Nations (London 1921)
The Gold Act, (U.S.A. 1924)
Creation of Bank for International Settlements (January 20, 1930)
Bretton Woods Agreement (New Hampshire, U.S.A., 1944)
B.I.S. Agreement with the Allies (Berne, Switzerland, 1946)
Green Hilton Memorial Agreement (Geneva, Switzerland, 1963-1968)
Schweitzer Conference (Innsbruck, Austria, 1964)
Schweitzer Convention (The Hague, Netherlands, 1968 and revisions thereof, 1972, 1984, and 1998 Washington Panel)
Respecting the Rights Treaty (Bangkok 2003)

Pursuant to International Treaty Agreements agreed and entered, the following being the rules for statement of the rules, with the funds and assets thereof held under his irrevocable and absolute dispositional control of His Excellency Dr. Ray C. Dam as owner and Sole Arbiter of all assets held under the Institutional Parent Registration Accounts and all sub accounts thereof and linked thereto.

Butler, Charles H., The Treaty Making Power of the Means, United States Senator Committees);
The Green Hilton Agreement (Geneva 1963-1966 the Guarantee is Declared on by International Consent); the Guarantee confirmed and established under Schweitzer Innsbruck Conference (Innsbruck, Austria 1964, record: Democrat, Royden J, The Treaty Making Power in the Defense of the Senates part in Treaty Making and the Foreign Controller of Gold Act, (1972) in the Senate of the United States, Volume II, Chapter 7, International Panel (The Hague 1968) which transferred to the Trust and Foundation in its supervisory role and in protection of the free world.) and subsequent revisions thereof governing the management and control of International Collateral Combined Accounts otherwise also known as the Global Debt Facility;
The RCD Full Jacket (record: Third Level and Five Level Rule in Senate Actions upon Treaties (1901-1989) American Banking and Bullion International Law 18 (1924)
Amended Foreign Gold Act (1972, Washington D.C.);
Appointment and Empowered the Person (January 20, 1995, The Congress assembled the Legislative Press in the Tripartite, Trilateral, Trillenium Pact, being the applicable Pact between World Governments (London, 1921).

Reference Codes


Ownership Rights Recorded : ……Legal Decadency to Heir RCD1088 Far East Entire
Governments Empowered the Person : ……..International Control No. 10-60847
International Clearing Code : ……………………....UNRCD-ID006197
UN/Federal Service Record No. : …..............................0-99-2-33
Protectorate and Immunity Granted and Recorded: …Great Seal No. 632259984

Statements of Fact

1. The Tripartite Gold Commission, established under the Bretton Woods Agreement for a single term of 50 years, ceased operations in 1994 and was formerly wound up in 1997, after having fulfilled it’s life term.The World Governments via their respective interests in the Bank for International Settlements, appointed a Sole Arbiter to succeed the Commission on January 20, 1995. All assets deemed to be held under the Commission’s Trustee were ceded and transferred to the Ownership of the Sole Arbiter, thereby granting unrestricted and absolute control to the Sole Arbiter.

2. His Excellency, Dr. Ray C. Dam, is the appointed and empowered person holding full disposition rights and authority over said assets and accounts by virtue of the authority vested in him by the Governments of the World, whom he represents, such authority being chartered and then registered with the United Nations.

3. As Chairman of the said Trust and Foundation and Sole Arbiter and Lawful Owner of all the assets held within Foundation Divine and the Heritage International Trust and their internal and ancillary Trusts, Foundations and Corporations, such Ownership granted to him by the International Community on January 20, 1995, His Excellency Dr. Ray C. Dam holds the absolute right to determine and make ruling, such ruling to be enforced (if necessary) by the Justice Department of the United States of America; (this right of control is guaranteed by the United States Congress ,reaffirmed by the Senate of the United States and recorded within United States Presidential Office of Management and Budget, whereat, empowerment of his person and his full indemnified status is acknowledged under Great Seal No. 632259984 and further registered within the International Division of the Department of the Treasury of the United States of America, The Bank for International Settlements, Swiss National Bank and the Swiss Federal Finance Administration), whereby his determination and ruling on all matters relating to the assets under his control is inviolate and may not be set aside, modified or denied by any agreement or arrangement between other parties and or institutions, or by any other ruling not assented to by the International Community who empowered his person. Decisions / Determinations made by H.E. Dr. Ray C. Dam in respect of the Combined International Collateral Accounts of the Global Debt Facility, take precedence over all / any laws, adjudications, Legal Rulings, or similar, determined by any Court of any other Country, including the The International Courts (World Courts).

4. Under International Control Number 10-60847, the right of control is established and Chartered by Treaty Agreement between all Nations, then registered with the United Nations as a sovereign entity that is to be beyond all other jurisdictional controls. This creation of a sovereign jurisdiction of control preserves and protects the official independence of the appointed and empowered person, His Excellency Dr. Ray C. Dam, his heirs and successors.

5. Within that Jurisdiction are two institutions:

a. The Office of International Treasury Control: This Institutional Organization exists to assist and advise the International Treasury Controller, His Excellency, Dr. Ray C. Dam, in the exercising of his Authority.

b. Consolidated Credit Bank Limited: A non-public internal Bank which is empowered and deemed as the last holding bank, the only Bank in the World with lawful authority and capacity to confirm assets and accounts of the International Treasury Controller and to issue any legal obligation against those accounts and to direct beneficial payments for those accounts. It is an Institutional Bank held within the Federal Reserve. It will not be found within the "Bankers Almanac", "The Banker", or any other Professional Handbook.

6. Few organizations have been so publicly attacked and maligned as The Office of International Treasury Control (OITC), by intensive and extensive disinformation campaigns, gossip, innuendoes, and the likes. Much of this is expanded by public perception and failures in total understanding that is further fueled by “Levels of Secrecy” that are imposed upon OITC, ignorance, political influence, even fear, or similar issues.

All Governments are advised to stay with proper procedures and protocols and to conduct any undertaking for verification of the real existence of H.E. Dr. Ray C. Dam (International Treasury Controller), the OITC in compliance with such procedures and protocols, and to disregard internet gossip and reports, articles, or similar, to the contrary.

7. Political Issues. The Office of International Treasury Control is a non-political organization whose objectives, as determined by the Nations of the World, embodied within numerous International Treaties, is to “Financially assist” the Nations of the World and its People for the betterment of all, in a balanced and sustainable manner, irrespective of the political or religious base of any country.

8. Assets of the Combined International Collateral Accounts of the Global Debt Facility: These are held in the majority of Countries (Japan, United Kingdom, United States of America, China, Taiwan, Philippines, Thailand, Cambodia, Jordan, Singapore, France, Germany, Austria, Luxembourg, Belgium, Norway, Caribbean Islands, Egypt, South Africa, Uruguay, Argentina, Italy, Russia, plus many more countries) throughout the World, in Central Bank Vaults, Commercial Banks, Bonded Warehouse Depositories, Military Establishments, and in such inhospitable places as in Sunken Ships on the Seabed, on the bed of large Reservoirs, Caves, Purposely dug Mountain Tunnels, Old Mines, Bunkers, and such places.

The actual Accounts (Ledgers) are held within the US Federal Reserve, The US Treasury, The Swiss National Bank, The Swiss Federal Finance Authority and the Bank for International Settlements.

Transfers of any Assets, are restricted to the International Central Bank System. Assets can rarely be transferred via the normal Commercial Banks, but it is possible depending on the International status of any specific Commercial Bank.

Source :

Category: News and Politics


Written by James Rink

The story of how this change will occur, takes us back to Tudor England. Francis Bacon (1561-1626) was an enigmatic character born from a secret marriage between Queen Elizabeth I (1533-1603) and Robert Dudley (1533-1588). Because Queen Elizabeth failed to acknowledge this marriage due to Dudley’s political ambitions, Francis was unable to assume his role as king of England. All his life the queen kept dangling this in front of him, but no, she would never allow her son to accept his true identity. Sadly, in 1603 Queen Elizabeth appointed King James VI (1566-1625) of Scotland to be her successor.

To be or not to be? That was his question; instead of being defeated Francis chose to rise above his circumstances in the pursuit of both scholarly and political interests. He had the King James Bible translated so the common people could read the bible. He wrote the Shakespearean sonnets. He persuaded King James I to charter Newfoundland and was an officer in the Virginia Company. He was appointed by the king to head the Office of Solicitor and Attorney General. He was a master of the alchemical sciences and the occult. And he fathered deductive reasoning, which set the grounds for science and technology to liberate humanity.

From top left to right: Queen Elizabeth I (1533 - 1603), Sir Robert Dudley, 1st Earl of Leicester (1533 - 1588) Bottom left to right: Sir Francis Bacon, 1st Viscount St Alban (1561 - 1626), and King James VI and I (1566 - 1625).

In his past lives, Francis Bacon was the Prophet Samuel, Plato, Merlin, Saint Joseph, and Christopher Columbus, just to name a few. When Francis became conscious of these incarnations, he sought those hidden treasures he placed away until his rebirth. In 1626, a year after the death of King James, Francis staged his death. Then secretly traveled to the Rakoczy Mansion in the Carpathian Mountains region of Transylvania, which is now located in modern day Romania. Here he continued his studies of alchemy preparing him for his physical Ascension under the watchful eye of Master R, also known as the Great Divine Director.

The highest form of alchemy is not the transmutation of the base elements into gold but instead the transmutation of the soul into oneness with the creator. In May 1, 1648, he finally mastered these secrets and ascended into the 14th dimension. Before his karmic board he decided more than anything else, to return back to humanity in a human body to help liberate God’s people. His request was granted and he returned as the Comte de Saint Germain. He chose his name from the Latin, Sanctus Germanus, meaning 'Holy Brother'.

The count was known as the “Wonderman of Europe” as he would amaze nobility and royalty alike. He could turn lead into gold and rocks into diamonds. He spoke every language, traveled by thought, and worked for peace. And even more astonishing, his mortal body was transmuted into an immortal angel conquering death itself. With his “elixir of life” and positive thinking he never aged at all. According to Germain, “It is the activity of our nerves, the flame of our desire, the acid of our fears, which daily consume our organism. He who succeeds in raising himself above his emotions, in suppressing in himself anger and the fear of illness, is capable of overcoming the attrition of the years and attaining an age at least double that at which men now die of old age.”

Comte de Saint Germain

'A man who knows everything and who never dies.' - Voltaire

Germain dedicated his life to the transition of the coming golden age of humanity; from the changeover of the Age of Pisces to the Age of Aquarius. He believed humanity would never be ready for the knowledge and technology of the Aquarian age until mankind put aside their destructive sciences and religions and accept the heart of which lies of both, that is, to enter one’s heart and harness their own unlimited potential.

The count was noted for rubbing elbows with the monarchies. Many of which commented on his elaborate shoes stubbed with $40,000 diamonds and pearls. But no one knew the source of his wealth. Then around 1727 he shared his secret money making techniques to certain German bankers and monarchies in hopes that they would use the money to help humanity. Instead, they choose to squander the wealth for themselves. Even to this day, they continue to keep this knowledge secret.

When Saint Germain realized his money making techniques would never be used for benevolent purposes, he abandoned his support of these power brokers and in 1729 he created the 'World Trust.' At the very founding of the trust it was stipulated that the money would be released in the year 2000. Later he placed the World Trust into Foundation Divine where it currently remains.

Saint Germain then took a backseat in our civilization by secretly shaping our modern institutions from behind the scenes. He tried to make a peaceful transition during the French revolution, but the nobility class refused to listen. He backed Napoleon but Napoleon misused his power for his own demise.

From the very founding of the American republic Saint Germain knew America was to play a key role in raising people’s consciousness into the golden age. He was with George Washington at Valley Forge. He was at Independence Hall calling forth the signing of the declaration of independence. He set up many of the secret societies such as freemasonry and the Rosicrucian’s; but sadly most of these societies were infiltrated by Luciferian’s. But his vision remains, humanity will be set free from their shackles.

Combined International Collateral Accounts

It wasn’t until 1875 that Saint Germain’s dream of unifying the wealth of the monarchies for the benefit of the world’s people came into fruition. It was at this time that the assets of the royal families and nations held under colonial rule were centralized into one combined account to be used to the benefit of all nations of the world. This is known as the Combined International Collateral Accounts of the Global Debt Facility, its primary trust is Saint Germain’s Foundation Divine and World Trust.

Extensions of this agreement were expanded through international treaties, some of which are still classified as top secret, including:

Jekyll Island Treaty (1910)
The London Treaty (1920)
The Second Plan of the Experts (1929)
The Hague Agreement (1930)
The Far East Combined Depositories Agreement (1932 – 1945)
The Bretton Woods Agreement (1944)
The B.I.S. / Allies Agreement (1948)
The Green Hilton Agreement (1963)
The Schweitzer Conventions (1968)
The Election / Appointment of Sole Arbiter Agreements (1995)
The Washington Panel (1998)
The Treaty for Respecting the Rights (2003)

These treaties were ratified by the sovereign nations of the world and not their fake corporate government counterparts. Proof of such is recorded in every nation’s charter of the U.N. The USA charter is based on the constitution and thus subject to constitutional law.

Only Kings or Queens, Presidents, Prime Ministers, and in some cases Minster’s of Finance or Foreign Affairs are granted access to these accounts. Verification is undertaken through a specific office under specific protocols dictated by the Head Office of the United Nations.

After World War II, from 1945 to 1995 the assets in the Collateral Accounts were managed by The Trillenium Trilateral Tripartite Commission representing America, the United Kingdom, and France. The commission selected the dollar an international reserve currency and they gave the CIA legal responsibility to protect the collateral assets. Countries which did not want a permanent CIA presence on their soil would be allowed to subcontract the protection under the same terms and conditions of the treaties.

Illegal Funds Usage

With the foxes now in charge of guarding the hen house, it didn’t take very long before problems arrived. Both the CIA and corrupt government administrations have abused their power through illegal uses of these funds. For example, in 1981 Ronald Regan signed Executive Order 12333, which commissioned Leo Wanta to steal $27.5 trillion dollars from the Russian economy. Years later, George Bush Sr. managed to capture the V.K. Durham’s Trust worth over $6.5 trillion dollars. In both of these cases the money was stolen from the Collateral Accounts.

Certain rouge elements of the CIA have also been caught stealing the gold held under the Collateral Accounts stored places like the Philippines, Thailand, Russian, Indonesia, Switzerland, etc. Instead of hiding somewhere in the United States like Fort Knox, they chose to stash this loot for their own personal benefit in a CIA controlled depository in Montevideo, Uruguay.

Remember after World War II Uruguay was considered a safe haven for escaping Nazi’s. The Bush family, known for their Nazi’s ties, has purchased large ranches in both Uruguay and Paraguay. They may think they can get away with crashing the world economy and hiding out with stolen money, but these pipe dreams will not be. These people must be held accountable for their actions. The total amount stolen by these rouge elements of the CIA amounts to $200 trillion dollars. By treaty the U.S. government is responsible for the repayment of this money plus interest accrued from its illegal use.

The CIA was given the responsibility to protect this wealth; instead they have done the opposite. Now we have a runaway military industrial complex funding every new world order pet project ranging from NASA, militarized space weapons, electronic mind control, and financial warfare. If you ever wondered where they got the money to build those black project antigravity vehicles, look no further, as all treaties are classified “Top Secret”.

In 1963 President Kennedy tried to bring this wealth to the people of the word by executing the Green Hilton Agreement. This would allow the United States as holders of the international reserve currency to print a new gold backed currency to boost economic development throughout the world. Certain elements within the world’s elite did not want this to happen and thus Kennedy had to go. This treaty was signed into law but after Kennedy’s death was unrecognized by the United States and later other nations of the world.

To curtail these illegal activities in 1995, the Trillenium Trilateral Tripartite Commission was stripped of its power and placed under the control of the International Treasury Controller and the Office of International Treasury Control at the United Nations. Additionally, they now have jurisdiction over the IMF, World Bank, and the Bank of International Settlements which are all part of the Collateral Accounts. Despite this; the IMF, World Bank, and BIS continue to use the assets illegally for their own financing without giving any thought to the needs of the people of the world.

Bank Roll Programs

Around the turn of the century, the children of robber barons, and 'banksters' began to see the error in their parent’s evilness and their use of wealth. These 100 children are known as 'wealthy visionaries' or “white knights”. They each invested $1 million dollars of their families’ money into secret money roll programs, to be used only for humanitarian purposes. Money earned from these bank roll programs is known as the “Prosperity Programs.”

The bank roll programs allow wealthy investors to make insane profits by basically ripping off the assets and resources of third world nations. The word “roll” comes from a method of arbitrage which involves rolling money over and over in short periods of time. At the end of each cycle investors reinvest or “roll” the earned principle and interest into the next cycle. The profits are utterly astronomical, monthly returns can range from as low as 1:5 to excesses of 1:100,000 and 1:500,000.

Today there are at least 72 bank roll programs. They are maintained and audited by Price-Waterhouse and the Treasury of the Republic of the U.S. of A. They are ready to be funded but payouts can only be made with a bullion backed currency. Otherwise the Federal Reserve bankers would just steal the money under the current fiat credit system.

Over time the bank roll programs have secretly opened up to other wealthy investors. Eventually some multi-level marketers got a piece of this action. But this was a big mistake, when multi-level marketers find a money making opportunity they eagerly spread news of it by word of mouth to other investors. Arrangements were made so that any one could invest as little as one hundred dollars at a time. These small amounts where handled by trustees, who collected the money and kept records. Then the small investments were combined into one large amount, let's say, one hundred million dollars, which was required in order to enter into a 'roll'.

In the late 1990's the bank roll programs were discontinued, but funding has yet to occur. Thousands of people invested and great deal of wealth was generated, but little, if anything was ever paid back to the investors. The bankers, angry that the bank rolls programs were found out by the people, fought long and hard to stop the programs from funding. Program managers were lied to, bribed, and many were hauled into court under false pretense; such as trustees Clyde Hood and Mike Kadoski. Some investors were offered their money back but most refused to accept payment because they did not trust the government.

Corruption, greed, and fraud became wide spread among the bankers, government, and even some trustees; who stole the money for themselves. Even the Bush family had a piece of the action. Using Promis software, they could for a time, illegally transfer stolen funds without being traced. Many have died because of this wealth, but God has another plan for humanity.

Trust Levels

Now the time has come to release this accumulated wealth from the Combined International Collateral Accounts, the Bank Roll Programs, Foundation Divine, and Saint Germain’s World Trust. This money will be used to buy out all oil corporations, banks, pharmaceutical cartels, and zero out all debt. After 280 years of compounded interest the World Trust has mushroomed into a net worth in excess of one quattuordecillion dollars, which is a 1 with 45 zeros behind it, or:


This is enough money to buy a gold cube the size of the orbit of Saturn. So astronomical most people will not believe it! Much of this wealth is stored in higher dimensions under the protection of Saint Germain and emissaries of the brotherhood of light.

Within the collateral accounts, the world’s wealth is stored in various trusts. This money flows from a top-down approach in the following manner:

i. Level One -- World Trust. This is under the trusteeship of Master St. Germain. At his direction The World Trust can only be activated for payout at only two times during any given year, Easter and Christmas. At St. Germain’s orders the World Court activates the funding process. This process continues down through the four lower levels of trusts to the people, and under certain conditions the funding window remains open until the next holiday funding window begins. For example, if the Easter window is activated, the window can remain open until December 24, the day before Christmas, at which time it closes. The window remains open only if significant funds are moved to certain designated trusts during a set period of time. If deadlines are not met, the funding window is closed. Note, in 2007 the world court has since ruled that this window would remain open indefinitely until funding occurs at the level five trust.

ii. Level Two -- These are the 180 Royal Trusts under the control of trustees in various sovereign countries. Examples are The French Trust, The Russian Trust, and the Vatican Trust.

iii. Level Three -- These are the Family Trusts under the control of trustees of the world’s wealthiest families. Examples are Bronfman, Warburg, Morgan, Rothschild, and Rockefeller.

iv. Level Four -- These are the 250 plus Corporate Trusts under the control of trustees from powerful companies and corporations. Examples are General Electric, Lockheed, General Motors, Boeing, Carnegie, Ford, Marriott, and AT&T. There are 4-5 trustees per trust which means that approximately 1200 trustees must sign documents to move money through these trusts.

v. Level Five -- These are the Prosperity Program Trusts which represent the various 70-75 bank roll programs which are under the control of designated program trustees. Again, there are 4-5 trustees per trust or some 350 persons who must sign documents to activate these trusts. Some examples include Bergevene, SBC Charcoe, ITI, Savage, Morgan, Hong Kong, Treasury Gate, Omega, and Freedom. The largest trust is Freedom and it must be funded first. Remember it is these trust's that hold the wealth from the enlighten robber baron children also know as the “white knights”.

As the funds pass through each trust level, the trustee must use certain designated 'safe' banks and sign the proper documents with only certain designated banking personnel at those banks. Should this process be activated and then be stalled by deceitful bankers or trustees, or if the deadlines for funding certain trusts are not met, then the funding window is closed. This is the problem; members of the Bush family are doing just that, blocking the release of these funds.

The Corporate American Empire

Many have wondered how the U.S. government could have become so corrupt. The answer takes us back to 1783. After England lost her American colonies, King George III was quoted as saying, 'We may have lost the colony, but we will get her back.' King George understood America would never accept British rule again. So instead of trying to “divide and conquer” through force, England chose to retake her colonies through the stealth of “divide and control”.

From the very founding of the new republic, England’s meddling in American politics had become so pervasive that congress had no choice but to pass legislation which limited foreign agents of the crown from holding office. In 1810 The Titles of Nobility Amendment (TONA) was ratified by the states. The 13th amendment prohibits anyone with ties to the Crown of England from holding public office, which includes esquire-attorney, doctor, clergyman, etc. These titles were authorized under the Crown of England for English citizens and thus these holders are foreign agents of America.

If any citizen of the United States shall accept, claim, receive or retain, any title of nobility or honour, or shall, without the consent of Congress, accept and retain any present, pension, office or emolument of any kind whatever, from any emperor, king, prince or foreign power, such person shall cease to be a citizen of the United States, and shall be incapable of holding any office of trust or profit under them, or either of them. - Titles of Nobility Amendment 1810

If you never heard of this amendment, there is a good reason. During the War of 1812, the British government burned down the White House and the Library of Congress which contained copies of this constitutional amendment. Proof that the 13th amendment was ratified was found in 1983 by archive researcher David Dodge and Tom Dunn in a rural Maine library.

After the war of 1812, England’s interests shifted from controlling American politics to controlling the financial arena. English bankers such as the Rothschild’s knew if they could control the money supply they cared not who made the rules. In 1816 they got their wish and created the second federal bank. When Andrew Jackson destroyed this bank in 1832, congress was shocked to learn that every single stock holder was a British citizen.

By the 1860’s slavery was gradually becoming obsolete thanks to increased education and changing of attitudes. But England capitalized on the slavery issue to “divide and control” America. General Albert Pike, the founder of the Ku Klux Klan and the Scottish Right Templar Masonic Order in the southern states, was recruited by these English bankers to promote dissent and incite civil war. Thanks to the generous Rothschild contributions the south almost won the war. But tides began to shift for the Union forces when Abraham Lincoln asked his friend, the Czar of Russia, to park his naval battleships in the harbor of San Francisco and New York. This may have forced England to back off ending the civil war, but for the bankers the war had just begun. Sadly fifty years later, the Czar family met their fate at the hands of the Rothschild funded Bolshevik revolution.

After the civil war the economy struggled under crushing war debt. To bring both value and stability to the worn torn economy and to restore constitutional control over the money supply, Lincoln had the U.S. Treasury print currency backed by precious metals, which is known as the “green backs.” But this action infuriated the English bankers, so they hired John Wilkes Booth to assassinate Lincoln. Sadly, a local vagrant was found near by in a hay barn and was innocently charged and sentenced for the murder. After escaping from his captors John Wilkes Booth lived out the remainder of his life in comfortable surroundings in England.

During the reconstruction era England had managed to entrench itself fully into the new republic. In 1871 congress signed into law “The Act to Provide a Government for the District of Columbia.” This act changed the name of the Virginia Company to United States, Inc., and later in 1874, its sphere of influence was expanded to include all of the United States. According to the original 1606 Virginia Company charter, the Crown of England is entitled to 50% ownership of all gold and silver mined in America, plus other sweet deals. The Act of 1871 actually restored British domination over its American colony, and ever since this corporate government has been masquerading to the public as the constitutional government. In addition to that, the title of the original Organic American Constitution was changed from “The Constitution for the united states of America”, and altered into its corporate form, “THE CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA”.

By 1913 America lost its financial battle with England. It was at that time that the 16th amendment, also known as the income tax amendment, was passed by congress. Even though it was not ratified by the states, congress went ahead and taxed the people anyway. The truth is the Internal Revenue Service, IRS inc., was chartered by the Crown of England as a Puerto Rican trust; and its agents under the crown are taxing the people illegally. Taxes collected by the IRS inc. do not flow into the federal government or towards the national debt but instead to the Crown of England. The federal government funds itself through secret sources within the black budget.

In that same year of 1913, a foreign corporation known as the American Bar Association was charted to train and control all members of the legal profession. Because they carry the title of Esquire they are British foreign agents of the English Crown and under the Titles of Nobility Amendment are not allowed to hold public office.

Then with the treasonous polices of the Federal Reserve Act of 1913, fiat money which lacked any collateral, soon robbed the budding nation of its wealth. On December 23, 1913, while most of congress was away on Christmas vacation a quorum call was issued. A few selected congressional traitors voted by voice to avoid public record and passed the Federal Reserve Act. This act replaced the US treasury bank with a foreign corporation chartered under the Crown of England known as the Federal Reserve Bank. This creature now has complete control over the nation’s monetary system and money supply. By printing money or withdrawing money the Federal Reserve can create inflation and deflation. Through the use of usury, interest is charged on money that has no intrinsic value, which serves to rob the people of their gold and silver. Stock markets can be manipulated creating even greater sums of money. And even worse, with control of the printing presses they now had the finances to bankroll World War I and II.

The truth is all of the national debt is simply interest charged by the Federal Reserve Bank for the money printed in circulation which is used by the taxpayers and people. And even worse, the national debt can never be repaid because the interest charged by the banks is not added to the money supply. This treasonous policy has turned us all into debt salves. And thanks to the distractions of World War I and II the people remained in the dark of the takeover.

After the Federal Reserve crashed the stock market in 1929, they set the stage for total control of the people. On March 9, 1933, President Franklin D. Roosevelt declared bankruptcy on the United States; this action removed the American citizen from the protections of the U.S. constitution. Soon after, FDR changed a provision within the War Powers Act of 1917 and the Trading with the Enemy Act of 1933, which redefined all U.S. citizens as “enemies of the state'. Thus the corporate government declared war on its own people. If you feel like you have no bill of rights protection under the current government, it’s because you don’t. Thanks to the War Powers Act, every president since the Roosevelt administration has been maintaining military control over the people through states of “national emergency.” Therefore new conflicts are encouraged to maintain control over the people.

If you think you’re not under military control, think again. In 1938 the Supreme Court ruled that the Constitutional Republic is now a Legislative Democracy. “Public law” was replaced with “Public Policy” and “Merchant Law” with “Admiralty Law”, suspending the constitution. It was at this point that the gold fringe flags of admiralty law began to show up within the courts, public places, and even churches. Admiralty law is law of the high seas, were justice is served by military tribunals instead of the constitution and bill of rights. Soon after, all states began using the Uniform Commercial Code and administrative tribunals.

In 1935 Roosevelt confiscated all the peoples gold and removed the currency from the gold standard. Later in the Nixon era silver was also removed from the currency. These actions are illegal under Article I, Section 10 of the constitution which dictates all coinage must be backed by gold or silver.

“No State shall... coin Money; emit Bills of Credit; make any Thing but gold and silver Coin a Tender in Payment of Debt.” Article I, Section 10, Clause 1

In 1945 the United Nations organization was established in the heart of the British colony’s financial district of New York City. Not only had England recaptured her colony she now had full control over the worlds financial system.

Over the passing years the Federal Reserve System was given free reign to bury the people in debt slaves using our labor as collateral. The corruption of the banks and federal government had become so pervasive they truly believed themselves to be above the law. In 1963 the CIA murdered John F. Kennedy for attempting to print gold and silver backed certificates and for creating a gold backed international reserve currency. Later in 1981, the CIA killed Ronald Regan for attempting to place the United States on a gold banking system. After Regan was assassinated he was replaced with a clone which continued to serve out his presidency without the public’s knowledge.

Farmers Claims

But tides began to turn in the 1980’s, when the banks illegally foreclosed on farmers mortgages all over the United States. These court cases ran up and down various state and federal courts from 1980's till the 1990's. The Willie Nelson 'Live Aid' concerts were one of the fund raisers that helped these farmers.

The farmer claims story begins in 1978 with Roy Swassinger Sr. who was an elderly ranch farmer in Colorado. Soon after buying his farm with a loan from the Federal Land Bank; he passed away leaving his property to his son Roy Swassinger Jr., a retired military general. After he proceeded to farm the land, a Federal Land Bank officer and a Federal Marshall appeared on his property and told him to vacate within 30 days. The banks were placing the property under foreclosure because his father had signed a stipulation which reverted the property back to the Federal Land Bank in the event of the borrower’s death.

Outraged, Roy Swassinger filed a class action lawsuit in the Denver Federal Court system; which included 23 other farmers, ranchers, and Indians swindled in the same manner. But the case did not go any further; the suit was dismissed from filing incorrectly and for other reasons. These farmers realized their legal actions were in vain because the government and banks were both working in collusion with each other. Soon the legal team’s money ran out, but they continued their fight alone without lawyers.

As time passed, more and more people joined in the lawsuit including J. B. Foster and William Baskerville. In these cases, the banks were charged with creating exorbitant and illegal amounts of interest. The corruption became so blatant, that the banks willfully refused to credit mortgage payments as they should but instead stole the money for themselves; forcing the homeowner into foreclosure.

In the early 1990's, Foster and Baskerville sought the help of the Farmers Union and began documenting the banks illegal activities. A series of lawsuits was initiated against the banks and the government. In retaliation the banks and the government sent the IRS against the farmers. When the farmers realized they were being unfairly targeted by the IRS, military generals such as General Ray Swasinger would sit in the court room to ensure the bribed judges would act impartially.

Eventually the courts ruled in favor of the famers. The banks were ordered to pay retribution and all stolen properties had to be returned back to the farmers with help from either the Federal Marshals or the National Guard. But when no payments were made, the farmers declared involuntary chapter seven bankruptcy against the Federal Land Bank and the Farmers Credit System. The banks defended themselves and insisted they were not a business but a federal agency therefore not liable to the damages. The courts agreed. This is true; they are not chartered to do business in Colorado or any state for that matter. The original charter dating back to the 1930’s does not allow them to make loans directly to farmers, but instead they can only back loans as a guarantor.

The farmers, with now a large team of knowledgeable people of the law behind them, filed a new case to claim additional damages from the fraudulent loaning activities of the Farmers Credit System. The government tried to settle; they had already lost many cases and were now loosing the appeals as well.

More and more evidence was collected. The legal team eventually learned that not only was the Farmers credit system not chartered to do business with the National Banking Association, but so was other quasi organizations such as the Federal Housing Administration, The Department of Housing and Urban Development, and even the Federal Reserve Bank.

Around 1992-1993, the farmers appealed their case to the US Supreme Court. This court case docket number was 93-1308-M. Some of the content of this case is sealed from public eyes but most of it can be viewed today.

Almost unanimously the U.S. Supreme Court Justices ruled that the Farmers Union claims were VALID, that is, all property foreclosed by the Farmers Credit System was illegal and therefore all those who were foreclosed on would have to receive damages. In addition, they ruled that the U.S. federal government and banks had defrauded the farmers, and all U.S. citizens, out of vast sums of money and property.

Furthermore, the court ruled the shocking truth that the Puerto Rican Trust, known as the IRS and the Federal Reserve were both unlawful. That the income tax amendment was never ratified by the US states. And that the U.S. government had illegally foreclosed on farmer’s homes with help from federal agencies. Irrefutable proof of such was presented by a retired CIA agent. He provided testimony and records of the banks illegal activity, to lead further evidence that the Farmers’ Union claims were legitimate. The implications of such a decision were profound. All gold, silver, and property titles, taken by the Federal Reserve and IRS must be returned to the people.

USC 18. 519 & 520

Around that time, the legal team was receiving assistance from a small group of benevolent visionaries consisting of politicians, military generals, and business people. This faction has been secretly working to restore the constitution since the mid 1950’s. Somehow within their ranks, a four star U.S. army general was able to receive “title” and “receiver” of the original 1933 United States Bankruptcy.

When the case was brought before the Supreme Court, they ruled in his favor, giving the Army General title over the United States, Inc. Legal action was then passed on to Senator Sam Nunn and the Senate Finance Committee. With the help of covert congressional and political pressure, President George H.W. Bush issued an Executive Order in 1991 and soon after it became law under USC 18. 519 & 520. Within the footnotes of this law there is a provision which allows anyone who has a claim against the federal government to receive payment as long as it’s within the rules of the original format of the case.

According to the Federal Reserve Act of 1913, all present and succeeding debts against the U.S. Treasury must be assumed by the Federal Reserve. Thus the famer’s claims legal team was able to use USC 18. 519 & 520, to not only force the Federal Reserve to pay out damages in a gold backed currency but also allow them to receive legal ownership over the bankruptcy of United States, Inc.

To collect damages the farmers legal team used an obscure attachment to the 14th amendment which most people are not aware of. After the civil war the government allowed citizens to claim a payment on anyone who suffered damages as a result of the Federal Government failing to protect its citizens from harm or damages by a foreign government. President Grant had this attachment sealed from the public eye but somehow the farmer’s legal team got a hold of it.

If you read that carefully you will see it specifies damages by a foreign government. That foreign government is the corporate Federal Government which has been masquerading to the public as the constitutional government. Remember this goes back to the Trading with the Enemy Act of 1933, which defined all citizens of the several states as enemies of the federal system known as the United States.

The Justices and farmer’s legal team recognized how evil and corrupt our federal government had become and to counteract it they added some provisions in the settlement to bring the government back under control.

a. First they would have to be paid using lawful currency, which was backed by gold and silver as the constitution dictates. This would eliminate inflation and gyrating economic cycles.

b. Second they would be required to go back to common law instead of admiralty law (gold fringe flags). Under common law if there is no damage or harm done then there is no violation of the law. This would eliminate millions of laws which are used to control the masses and protect corrupt politicians.

c. Lastly the IRS would have to be dismantled and replaced with a national sales tax. This is the basis of the NESARA Law.

Legal Action

When the legal team finally settled on a figure, each farmer would receive an average of $20 million dollars payout per claim. Word soon got out about the case and through a grass-roots level over 336,000 farm claims were filed for fraud against the U.S. Federal Government, totaling over $6.6 trillion in damages. Claims could be made on any credit or loan issued by a financial institution and all interest paid; foreclosure; attorney and court fees; IRS taxes or liens; real estate and property taxes; mental and emotional stress caused by the loss of property; stress related illness such as suicide and divorce; and even warrants, incarnation and probation could also be claimed.

The settlement was agreed to out of court and the decision was then sealed. Because the case was sealed, claimants are not allowed to share court documents to media outlets without violating the settlement, but they can still talk to others about the case. This is why you probably have not heard about this. The implications spread at a grassroots level. Claim meetings were made all across the country to educate people. Soon meetings grew in size and the government needed to get the situation under control.

A series of fear and intimidation tactics were used by the foreign agents of the crown including the CIA, FBI, SEC, BATF, SS, and IRS against those originally involved. Many were charged with various crimes, found guilty and imprisoned, some are still there. The army general who acquired the original 1933 Title of Bankruptcy of the United States was harassed; and even though he was protected by his military personnel; he was still imprisoned, killed, and replaced with a clone. This clone was then used as a decoy to prevent any further claims from being filed.

On June 3, 1993, in agreement with the Supreme Court ruling, attorney general Janet Reno ordered the Delta Force and Navy Seals to Switzerland, England, Israel, etc. to reclaim trillions of dollars worth of gold stolen by the Federal Reserve System from the strategic gold reserves. This bullion is to be used for the new currency backed by precious metals. It’s now safely stockpiled at the Norad Complex at Colorado Springs, Colorado and four other repositories.

Janet Reno’s action so enraged the powers-that-be, that it resulted in her death. She was then replaced with a clone and it was this creature that was responsible for covering-up the various Clinton scandals. To keep the Secretary of the U.S. Treasury Robert Rubin in line, he was also cloned. For the remainder of their term in office both Reno and Rubin received their salaries from the International Monetary Fund as foreign agents and not from the U.S. Treasury. Despite these actions the legal team continued their fight while managing to avoid bloodshed and a major revolution.

Bank Claims

After the Supreme Court trial, the damages process name was changed to Bank Claims. Between 1993 and 1996, the U.S. Supreme Court required U.S. citizens to file “Bank Claims” to collect damages paid by the U.S. Treasury Department. This process was CLOSED in 1996.

It was during this time that the U.S. Supreme Court assigned one or more Justices to monitor the progress of the rulings. In the famer claims case, five Justices were assigned to a committee to develop steps to implement required government and banking reformations.

As the Justices went about developing the required changes they enlisted the help of experts in economics, monetary systems, banking, constitutional government and law, and many other related areas. The justices built coalitions of support and assistance with thousands of people worldwide; known as 'White Knights”. The term 'White Knights' was borrowed from the world of big business. It refers to a vulnerable company that is rescued by a corporation or a wealthy person from a hostile takeover.


To implement the required changes, the five Justices spent years negotiating how the reformations would occur. These agreements, also known as 'Accords' were made with the U.S. government, the Federal Reserve Bank owners, the International Monetary Fund, the World Bank, and with numerous other countries including the United Kingdom and countries of the Euro Zone.

Remember, the reformations of the U.S. banking system require the Federal Reserve Bank system to be absorbed by the U.S. Treasury Department and the banks' fraudulent activities must be stopped and the payment of restitution from past harm. Because these U.S. banking reformations will impact the entire world, the IMF, World Bank, and other countries had to be involved.


As the years passed by, the military generals who originally participated with the famer’s claims program soon realized that the government had no intentions of implementing the 'Accords.' So the Supreme Court justices authorized the reformations be put into a 75 page document known as the National Economic Security and Reformation Act (NESARA). NESARA is the most ground breaking reformation to sweep not only this country but our planet in its entire history. The act does away with the Federal Reserve Bank, the IRS, the secret government, and much more.

NESARA implements the following changes:

a. Zeros out all credit cards, mortgage, and other bank debt due to illegal banking and government activities. This is the Federal Reserve’s worst nightmare, a “jubilee” or forgiveness of debt.
b. Abolishes income tax
c. Abolishes IRS; creates 14% flat rate non-essential 'new items only' sales tax revenue for government
d. Increases benefits to senior citizens
e. Returns Constitutional Law to all our courts and legal matters.
f. Establishes new Presidential and Congressional elections within 120 days after NESARA's announcement
g. Monitors elections and prevents illegal election activities of special interest groups
h. Creates new U.S. Treasury currency, 'rainbow currency,' backed by gold, silver, and platinum precious metals
i. Initiates new U.S. Treasury Bank System in alignment with Constitutional Law
j. Eliminates the Federal Reserve System
k. Restores financial privacy
l. Retrains all judges and attorneys in Constitutional Law
m. Ceases all aggressive, U.S. government military actions worldwide
n. Establishes peace throughout the world
o. Releases enormous sums of money for humanitarian purposes
p. Enables the release of new technologies such as free energy devices, pollution cleanup, and sonic healing machines.

Change is on the horizon, and it begins with NESARA.

This law was passed secretly by congress on March 9, 2000. Only seven members of congress voted for NESARA, which happen to be only congress members allowed to hold office. This is in accordance with the original 13th amendment, known as the Titles of Nobility Amendment (TONA), which prevents anyone with ties to the crown from holding office.

NESARA requires all congress members and the president to resign immediately. Many people have asked why congress would want to pass legislation which boots them out of office. Most people in congress are not working for the interests of the America people and are not in complaint with TONA, therefore they need to go. These seven congressmen and women understood a clean house with untampered elections results was necessary to restore constitutional government.

But the unelected cloned President Bill Clinton, (Ross Perot won both elections) and his puppet masters had no interest in signing NESARA into law. On October 10, 2000, the military generals enlisted the help of the elite Naval Seals and the Delta Force, stormed the White House and under gunpoint forced Bill Clinton to sign NESARA into law.

Gag Order

From its very inception Bush Sr., the fake congress, major bank houses, and the Carlyle group have opposed NESARA. Due to the ground breaking changes required, an extremely strict gag order was placed on everyone directly involved and the court case records were sealed until after the reforms are completed. Anyone who broke this gag order would receive the death penalty.

To maintain secrecy, the case details for the docket number were changed by revising the official congressional registry. The bill number for NESARA was revised to reflect a commemorative coin and revised again more recently. This is why there are no public Congressional Records and why a search for this law will not yield the correct details until after the reformations are made public.

Our members of congress will not tell us any of this because they have been ordered by the U.S. Supreme Court Justices to 'deny' the existence of NESARA or face charges of treason punishable by death. The gag order applies to all media personnel, government officials, and bank employees.

Some members of Congress have actually been charged with 'obstruction.' Minnesota Senator Paul Wellstone was about to break the gag order, but before he could, his small passenger plane crashed killing his wife, daughter, and himself. This fear of death has been keeping all members of Congress in line, including Ron Paul; by pretending that NESARA does not exist in order to comply with the Justices' gag order.

If fear isn’t enough to keep congress in line, money is. The CIA routinely bribes senators with stolen loot from the prosperity funds. Every senator receives a minimum of $200 million dollars a year through a Bank of America account in Canada, which is then transferred into offshore bank accounts. Some of the loot is funneled by the Mormon Church in Utah through Senator Orin Hatch and Bank of America. Not only is congress bribed but the Joint Chiefs of Staff and the entire upper tier of the government receives these payments as well.

You will never hear the media networks report about NESARA. To ensure no leaks, major news networks such as CNN are paid in the tune of $2 billion dollars annually. The other networks get equally sweet deals. And don’t expect Alex Jones to tell you the truth either; on July 25, 2008, he said on air that NESARA was a hoax.

As far as the internet is concerned much disinformation and confusion on the subject has been spread far and wide. Prominent disinfo sources include, which is rumored to be a CIA front; which is owned by the Bush family; the 33rd degree Zion Lodge; the NSA; Sherry Shriner; and various Internet channelers receiving their messages from telepathic spooks have all contributed to the cover-up.

Even the information on Wikipedia is in error. Wikipedia gives you the history of Harvey Barnard’s NESARA law. If you look closely this law it stands for National Economic Stabilization and Recovery Act, which would reform the economy and replace the income tax with a national sales tax. This law was rejected by congress in the 1990’s. But there is little mention of the National Economic Security and Reformation Act on Wikipedia or its ramifications.

September 11, 2001

The next step is to announce NESARA to the world, but it’s not an easy task to do. Many powerful groups have tried to stop the implementation of NESARA. On September 9, 2001, eighteen months after NESARA became law, the Supreme Court justices had the current Congress pass resolutions 'approving' NESARA. On September 10, 2001, George Bush Sr. moved into the White house to steer his son on how to block the announcement. The next day, on September 11, 2001, NESARA was set to be announced to the world at 10 am.

Just before the announcement at 9 am, Bush Sr. ordered the demolition of World Trade Center to stop the international banking computers on floors one and two, in the North Tower from initiating the new U.S. Treasury Bank system.

Remote pilot technology was used to fly a small white private plane loaded with explosives into the Pentagon at the exact location of the White Knights in their new Naval Communications Center. At that time, they were coordinating activities supporting NESARA's implementation nationwide. The announcement of NESARA was stopped dead in its tracks.

George Bush Sr. decapitated any hopes of returning the government back to the people. The Bush family was to receive $300 trillion dollars for their cooperation with NESARA but instead they chose to maintain their control over us, in the end they will get nothing. Once during a cabinet meeting, Saint Germain showed up in physical form and referred to Bush and his cronies as 'school yard bullies'. The Bush family will not get away with their crimes; little by little their wealth is being dismantled before their own eyes.

Banking Packets

Before NESARA is announced to the public it is stipulated that the original farm claims must be paid out first with bullion backed currency issued by the U.S. Treasury system, as stipulated by the constitution. In other words, they cannot be paid in Federal Reserve Notes, which are nothing more than promissory debt notes. The $6.6 trillion farmer claims payout is to be distributed in the form of ATM debit cards. This money will come from the bank roll programs originally set up by those benevolent illuminati family members. The only catch is, to distribute these funds they must first be released by Goldman Sacs and Bank of America which happen to be owned by the Rockefeller and Bush families.

They are doing everything they possibly can to stop these payouts. One way is to transport the banking documents, which contain instructions on how to access the funds, in a never-ending loop 24/7 between warehouses in Charlotte, NC and Washington D.C. The drivers of these Fed Ex trucks are heavily bribed and many of are afraid of reprisals from the Bush family if they were to actually deliver their payload as required by law. At one point, after the packets were returned to Washington D.C., George W. Bush placed them under military guard. Federal judges ordered him to release the funds, Bush replied. “You will never receive these packages, they belong to me.” The judge answered, “I can do no more; he is President of the U.S.” The news media were called and refused to film the guards saying, “He is the President and we are afraid of what he will do,” which is their code “for we also work for the Illuminati.”

Basel II

This cycle has been on-going for years; the only alterative left is to kill the Federal Reserve System by force. The messes and problems from the past 63 years in addition the financial turmoil is slowing down progress. The Fed and U.S. treasury, World Court, and Intel services can no longer be trusted. U.S. hegemony over the control of the Collateral Accounts and prosperity funds must come to an end.

To other force countries into compliance of the New World Order agenda, George Bush has threatened to use the dollar as a weapon of mass destruction. Bush once commented, “The people will now suffer greatly.” The world cannot tolerate this; the dollar must be removed as an International Reserve Currency and replaced with a new independent asset based monetary unit backed by precious metals.

Some members of the Rothschild family with help from the IMF, World Bank, and representatives from over 180 nations; have managed to do just that. On September 19, 2007, the new gold back banking system was approved by congress. On October 19, 2007, at midnight, the U.S. treasury of the Republic went on-line with the new global banking system.

On December 1, 2007, Basle II was initiated forcing U.S. banks into compliance with the new banking system. By prohibiting the usage of off-balance sheet financial operations, the CIA can no longer steal money from the prosperity funds. This means every bank transaction must be disclosed on the balance sheet. All banks throughout the world are required to adhere to this new rule if they wish to continue operating in international markets.

Banking Implosions

Slowly the illegal practices of the international financiers are coming to an end. One by one the major banking houses are imploding right before our eyes. Their train wreck is occurring because these banks are no longer allowed to use assets from the Collateral Accounts of the Global Debt Facility to bank up their loans.

The media has been giving us hints about this; in 2007 reports were made of arrested central bank and commercial bank officers for illegal use of “access and security codes” of the blue and grey screens at the Federal Reserve Bank and the Collateral Accounts. To stop illegal access of the Collateral Accounts, new security codes are now only issued to Central Bank officers. This prevents commercial banks from accessing and profiting from the illegal usage of these funds.

This is why we are seeing the derivatives implosions. The banks have been illegally using the collateral accounts as collateral for their gold backed derivatives, bullion certificates, and bonds. With the new policy in place, their paper assets have now become worthless garbage, resulting in the massive banking “write-downs” you see today. According to the Bank of International Settlements, in 2008 the minimum estimated value of these illegally issued derivatives is $683 trillion dollars. Their titanic is now sinking.

In October 2008, higher minimal reserve banking requirements were implemented under Basel II world wide. To meet this new regulation, the American banking system needed an extra $700 billion dollars from the TARP bailout to cover the higher cash reserve requirements. Without this cash infusion American banks would not have been able to do business internationally, bringing American banks to a standstill. This deadline was met but only barely so.

The banks now fresh with slush money from their bailouts and bonuses could care less if the economy comes crashing down. In December 2008, access to credit card lines was reduced from $5 trillion to $3 trillion dollars. Sadly, this lifeline is being cut off from the American people at the time when they are loosing their jobs.

And if you thought Kenyan born President Obama was any different look again, with so many Clinton appointees around him it makes you wonder who’s really running the show. Obama not only promises to block the deliveries, but he also wants a portion of the prosperity funds for himself. Apparently his administration thinks the American people are incapable of spending their own money and believe the prosperity funds should remain in the hands of the government.


The peoples of the world are now becoming aware of these grievances. Queen Elizabeth and the Crown of England have both gone too far with their crown power. Third world nations such as Malaysia will no longer allow the International Monetary Fund to rape their assets. African and South American nations once devastated by the IMF are now teaming up to create their own coalitions. Attempts by the international banking community to crush the Islamic nations have yielded few results, as they continue to abide to the gold standard as dictated in the Koran.

The longer these bankers and the corporate government refuse to go along with NESARA and the new gold back currency; the more banking implosions we will see. The world has announced enough is enough, if you do not behave yourselves you will be shut off from the international community.

Nearly three hundred years since the creation of the “World Trust” mankind is now ready to receive Saint Germain’s golden age gift for humanity. We do not want a economic collapse, martial law, or a New World Order; we want NESARA NOW!

Message from the author:

Many special thanks to Patrick Bellringer, Casper, Poof, the Dove, and countless others for their generous sacrifices, contributions, and dedication to bringing about truth for humanity. In my past life when I was King James I, I promised Francis Bacon that I would return one day to see the golden age come into fruition. That time has now come I declare it so! - James Rink

sumber :


[quote:Annie Oakley 503783]
There is a curious article on THAT SITE about Ben's post yesterday having to do with Debbie Sukarno of Indonesia.
It is difficult to understand without reference points:
It is complicated and this is the best I can do right now:
Green Hilton Agreement~[/b]
Essentially the agreement between JFK and President Sukarno, who was the trustee of the physical gold for the world. The US would gain control of these assets if Sukarno fell from power. This was to place the world back on a gold standard to underpin the fiat money.
This was not wanted by certain groups because it limited the amount of dollars available based on the amount of gold. No funny money.
JFK was killed; Sukarno arrested and placed under house arrest until his death in 1970.

Both articles are very long and complicated...still working on reading them, so my understanding is limited at this time:

See #4 and #5 for the short cut version:
(scroll down to Green Hilton Agreement)


[b]VKD~[/b]says she has the legal claim to the gold, I think. Her info gets posted on THAT SITE, but I don't follow it; this is what I have come to understand.
It appears to be true that she was made one of the trustees upon Sukarno's death along with Debbie Sukarno.
MORE ON VKD:[/b] From That Site again: This is back on Feb 3, 2009

It is believed you are already aware of:
The BOYZ in D.C. are covering up FANNY MAE & FREDDY MAC's mess's.. Here is where the MONEY LAUNDERING PROBLEM lies STRAIGHT IN A.I.G. and ENRONS laps.. along with a few others..
[color=blue]These days "TOP SECRET" has come to mean: EVERYONE IN THE WORLD KNOWS ABOUT THIS.. but Shhhhhh! Its TOP SECRET![/color](note this is the tite of the article if you want to look it up)

WHISTLEBLOWER writes: Unfortunately because of its' "Top Secret" classification, you may not be able to verify.

However, V.K. Durham, CEO Durham Holding Trust, Tias 12087 "Can Verify." Equally, the President of the United States could verify and find those "Black Ops" accounts holding CI-LTD. Retirement Accounts and business accounts used by the U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, and CI-Ltd (Central Intelligence Ltd. Corporation) buried deep in UBS Switzerland, Hong Kong Shanghi Bank, Credit Lyonaise, Sun Trust Bank, Anschbacher Bank, Riggs Bank, Diawa Bank, South Holland Bank, Germany's Banks, amounting to Billions in Gold Bullion and Trillions of U.S. Federal Reserve Notes "Dollars" which cannot be got out, because they do not have the "Right Treasury Numbes" and the mandatory necessary's to open the accounts. That is why "Parallel Accounts" were put into play in 1987 and the CI-Ltd. Retirement Accounts of the Iranian and Latin America Contra Men and Women were frozen. It is the frozen ones they cannot open.. and that is a portion of THE CURRENT BANKING & CREDIT CRISIS.

Believe me; These busters are desperate! A long time associate has tried to pull a GAIA-EKKER trick of getting documents of 'verification' of DURHAM HOLDING TRUST BEING REAL, THEN HEADING OFF DOWN THE GAIA-EKKER TRAIL OF MORE MONEY LAUDNERING. If that is not the case, it most certainly appears to be the case.

The individual is reportedly in deep pucky with the BOYZ in the BASEMENT and THE WHITE HOUSE in WASHINGTON D.C. because he is an American Citizen outside the United States on the NO FLY LIST and can not come back into the United States even though a Natural Born American Citizen?


The "group"� (as I will call them) illegally obtained and fraudulent used, assets of the Durham Trust, of which V.K.Durham is the Senior Trustee. The trust does not own the assets they hold, they are only custodians of the assets. Durham Trust is actually owned by another Trust above it, which is owned by another Trust above that, which is owned by Foundation Divine. Foundation Divine is a Foundation owned by the Combined International Collateral Accounts of the Global Debt Facility, and is a primary Foundation as Custodians of the assets of the accounts.

The fraudulent use of the assets illegally gained by the "group" were to generate funds used in the destabilisation of the then USSR. Billions were generated, from which US Dollar Notes were printed. These were not ordinary US Dollar Notes. There were differences on the front and rear of the notes, meaning they were actually fake US Dollars. The physical US Dollar Notes were moved into the USSR and the Ledger entries on the US Accounts (The hidden ones that no one ever sees) remained. end quote

V.K. Durham, CEO of the Durham Holding Trust is far more than a "Senior Trustee".. She is the one with the pen with the Blue Ink.. that can make this global banking, financial and economic crisis... go bye bye, considering it was Durham Holding Trust Collateral which was used, but hidden under layers of Corporations and "trusts".. where it would never be seen.. or the LIGHT OF DAY never come on it due to the "layer after layer of fraudulent corporations and trusts."

Back to those "hidden accounts".. Whistleblower writes:

This is where G.W.Bush Jnr., and his cronies are in trouble. They cannot authorise release of the funds as they do not hold the authority, or any signatory rights, over the Combined International Collateral Accounts, to do so. At the same time, and there are two prominent points here, successive US Governments from 1963, following the execution of the Green Hilton Treaty by President Kennedy and President Soekarno (Note: Kennedy was assassinated 10 days after the signing of this Treaty), refused to recognise the Combined International Accounts and the Green Hilton Treaty.

This gets very interesting considering it involves what is alleged as "RUSSELL HERMAN'S ESTATE" which they tried to steal.. ending up using V.K. Durham's DEED with a few missing numbers to get this COMBINED INTERNATIONAL COLLATERAL ACCOUNT or Not Now Performing Derivatives.. or perhaps we would want to call it THE COUNTERFEIT U.S. DEBT..

Also curious is the AC who linked to the article about Obama's Secret Plan and how we should watch [b]Paul Volker.[/b]

And I think the point of this article is to point out to VKD(apparently VKD supports Volker?) that Volker is part of Bushco.
Considering the suiciding going on, Ms. Sukarno is in serious danger if she is a trustee of this gold.

Here is the article:


April 24, 2009

Dear Benjamin:

In your April 23, 2009 blog you bring up an interesting topic from my perspective at least. Debbie Sukarno, Japanese social elite, one of President Sukarno’s nine wives. Her full name is Ratna Sari Dewi Sukarno for the readers, please visit this website:

Her husband is an interesting figure in world events, President Sukarno (also spelt Soekarno, old spelling). President Sukarno is the official spelling.

Please consider the following? Dewi, is a wife of a world leader, who just happens to sign an agreement with a US president none other than JFK. The Green Hilton Agreement is signed between Sukarno and JFK, two weeks later JFK is assassinated in Dallas, Texas. No more Green Hilton Agreement, but alas the certificates, bonds, gold deposits receipts, cash deposits are all written up and held in various centres around the world. Now here is the interesting part, Sukarno is deposed of in a coup in 1967, he is placed under house arrest until his death in 1970. Upon his death, Dewi is an international jet setter and party girl, hmm. Let me see now, a deposed President under house arrest, dies 3 years, and then she has “a certain wealth?” Most wives of deposed leaders are executed, jailed or poorer than a pauper. Dewi is an international jet setter after his death?

This brings me to my connecting points. We are told that JFK was assassinated by Lee Harvey Oswald, but let me ask all the readers, who was the leading suspect behind Lee H. Oswald? Ben in your Rense interview April 23, you mentioned that George HW Bush Sr. was a major influence in Japan who was also in Dallas that fateful day November 22, 1963, who rose to power very quickly after that, who has also been caught with his hands in the cookie jar. The cookie jar, the Combined International Collateral Accounts of the Global Debt Facility.

Again, lets summarize? Dewi Sukarno is wife of President Sukarno of Indonesia. JFK issues Executive Order 11110 on June 4, 1963. Sukarno and JFK sign the Green Hilton Agreement. Lee Harvey Oswald in Dallas Texas assassinates JFK approximately two weeks later on November 22, 1963. The Green Hilton Agreement is never honoured. Dewi Sukarno finds the original copies of the certificates, bonds, and gold and cash receipts for a future US President, she enjoys herself. Executive Order 1111o is rescinded under President Reagan after being ignored since JFK. Ask yourselves who else would be powerful enough to utilize these assets? Prior to pillaging of the collateral accounts, this family had nowhere near the amount of money? In fact, Prescott Bush (elder Bush, grand father of junior) was reprimanded for trading with the enemy, Nazi Germany. Yet his son sat in the White House running the most powerful country on the planet.

So VKD, do you think Paul A. Volcker really cares about trivial laws, if they are capable of the above? Readers you decide? If I were Dewi, I would make myself scarce.

Until Next Time,

Sumber :

Raja Nusantara Kumpul di Istana
Minggu, 30 November 2008 | 02:54 WIB
Jakarta, Kompas - Sebanyak 118 raja, sultan, penglingsir, panembahan, kepala, serta kepala adat yang tergabung dalam Forum Silaturahmi Keraton Se-Nusantara berkumpul dan diterima Presiden Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono di Istana Negara, Jakarta, Sabtu (29/11). Mereka mengapresiasi kemajuan Indonesia di bawah kepemimpinan Presiden Yudhoyono dan akan membalas budi baik itu pada masa mendatang.

”Hati kami malam ini sungguh berbunga-bunga Bapak Presiden. Ada getaran tersendiri ketika kami menginjakkan kaki di Istana Negara. Istana Negara saat ini jauh berbeda dibandingkan dahulu. Dahulu tidak ada gambar- gambar para pendahulu. Inilah budaya kita, yaitu menghormati pendahulu kita,” ujar Ketua Umum FSKN Raja Ida Tjokorda Denpasar IX dalam sambutannya.

Pujian kepada Presiden disambut tepuk tangan sekitar 100 raja beserta permaisuri yang hadir dengan pakaian adat mereka masing-masing. FSKN adalah forum yang dibentuk Menteri Kebudayaan dan Pariwisata Jero Wacik tahun 2006. Jero Wacik adalah menteri yang berasal dari Partai Demokrat.
Para raja diterima Presiden Yudhoyono di Istana Negara di sela-sela pameran budaya yang diselenggarakan pada 25-30 November 2008. Pameran diikuti 110 keraton dan lembaga adat dari 118 anggota FSKN.
FSKN mengapresiasi bantuan Presiden Yudhoyono lewat Menbudpar dalam rangka upaya bersama melestarikan dan mengemban adat, salah satunya dengan pariwisata. Namun, FSKN juga menemukan kendala yang dihadapi keraton di seluruh Nusantara.
”Akibat sistem politik, demokrasi, dan produk undang-undang, keraton-keraton di daerah makin menjauh dan tercerabut dari akar-akar budayanya sendiri,” ujar Ida.
Dalam pengarahannya, Presiden mengemukakan, di tengah terjadinya interaksi sistem nilai dan akulturasi budaya, Indonesia akan tetap menjadi rumah yang teduh tempat semua orang hidup berdampingan, saling hormat- menghormati, dan rukun satu sama lain. ”Indonesia akan menjadi rumah yang besar, indah, dan teduh,” ujarnya.
Presiden mengemukakan, budaya Nusantara yang beragam akan menunjukkan Indonesia sebagai bangsa yang besar. ”Jangan direduksi ke urusan-urusan politik dan administrasi,” ujarnya.
Di tengah perubahan yang terjadi, Presiden meminta para raja berkontribusi melestarikan peradaban, budaya, dan warisan bangsa serta membantu mengatasi masalah yang saat ini sedang timbul, yaitu mengembangkan ekonomi kreatif dengan dasar warisan budaya. Salah satu wujud ekonomi kreatif adalah pariwisata.
Dari jumlah 261 kerajaan besar dan kecil seluruh Nusantara, saat ini baru tergabung 118 kerajaan yang tersebar di 23 provinsi. Keraton Yogyakarta tidak masuk dalam FSKN, tetapi, menurut Ida, mengirimkan wakilnya untuk hadir.
”Beliau (Sultan Hamengku Buwono X) belum masuk, tetapi kami saling berkomunikasi. Untuk acara ini, kami juga melayangkan undangan,” ujarnya.
Para raja yang hadir antara lain dari Sumatera Utara, Riau, Kepulauan Riau, Sumatera Selatan, Sumatera Barat, Lampung, Jawa Timur-Madura, Bali, Nusa Tenggara Barat, Nusa Tenggara Timur, Kalimantan Barat, Kalimantan Timur, Sulawesi Selatan, Sulawesi Tengah, Sulawesi Barat, Maluku, dan Papua Barat.
Acara tersebut juga dihadiri oleh Ketua Asosiasi 20 Raja/ Bangsawan Eropa Ferdy Baron de Smith van Alpen. (INU)

Sumber :

Keluarga Keraton Minta Diperhatikan
/ELOK DYAH MESSWATIPangeran Raja Adipati Arief Natadiningrat, Putra Mahkota Keraton Kasepuhan Cirebon, menyerahkan payung sebagai penanda dimulainya pawai alegoris Panjang Jimat untuk memperingati Maulid Nabi.

Sabtu, 10 Januari 2009 | 09:01 WIB
SERANG, SABTU — Keturunan keraton dan kesultanan se-Indonesia yang tergabung dalam Forum Silaturahmi Kerajaan Se-Nusantara (FSKN) meminta perhatian pemerintah. Sebab, Negara Kesatuan Republik Indonesia (NKRI) ini lahir berkat penyerahan aset kerajaan kepada republik dengan ikhlas.

Demikian dikatakan Sekretaris Jenderal FSKN, Kanjeng Pangeran Haryo (KPH) Gunarso G Kusumodiningrat, di sela-sela Mukernas FSKN yang dihadiri 46 perwakilan keturunan raja-raja Nusantara di Hotel Le Dian, Serang, Jumat (9/1) kemarin.

"Kami minta perhatian pemerintah, khususnya untuk melestarikan aset kerajaan yang tersebar di Nusantara ini," kata KPH Gunarso.

Dikatakan pula, FSKN merupakan kumpulan keluarga keturunan raja dan atau sultan yang berdiri pada Agustus 2007. Organisasi ini lahir untuk melestarikan budaya kerajaan yang tersebar di Indonesia.

Saat ini anggotanya mencapai 118 dari 200 keturunan raja di Nusantara. Jumlah ini merupakan hasil penelitian dari Lembaga Pengembangan Penelitian Kerajaan Nusantara (LP2KN).

"Seluruh anggota itu tercatat di Leyden, Belanda. Dan itu tidak bisa ngaku-ngaku, karena seluruhnya diteliti oleh LP2KN," tegas KPH Gunarso.

Datuk Andi Unru, Keturunan Kerajaan Kadatua Sopeng, Sulawesi Selatan, mengaku senang bergabung dalam FSKN. "Kita bisa saling berkeluh kesah sesama keluarga keturunan raja, yang saat ini dipandang sebelah mata oleh pemerintah. Padahal, cikal bakal NKRI ini ya berkat raja-raja tersebut," katanya. (nir)

Wed, 17 May 2006 01:33:50 -0700
Sunda Nusantara merupakan salah satu sejarah yang sangat perlu kita
pelajari dan kita ungkap bersama.
Dengan sepintas orang dikacaukan dengan nama Sunda Kelapa. Pada
dasarnya walaupun ada kemiripan nama, tetapi mempunyai makna lain.
Sunda Kelapa identik dengan Batavia, Betawi, Jayakarta, Jakarta
sebagai Ibu Kota Negara Kesatuan Negara Republik Indonesia sekarang
Sedangkan Sunda Nusantara merupakan suatu Negara yang berbentuk
Kerajaan dengan Pemerintahannya berdasarkan Konstitusi Parlementer
Demokrasi Sejati Reformasi Kerakyatan dan Kemakmuran Bangsa Sunda
Tanah Air di daratan Sunda Nusantara.
Wilayah : Sunda Nusantara memiliki wilayah yang terbentang dari
barat sampai timur dari Jawa sampai dengan Papuniginia (Irian),
bentangan dari selatan sampai dengan utara, mulai dari Timor sampai
dengan selat Malaka-Singapura.
Dalam bentangan ini diklasifikasi dalam bentuk besar kecilnya Nusa
(Pulau) itu sendiri dengan klasifikasi:
1.Klasifikasi kepulauan Sunda Besar :
Jawa(Jawa Dwipa), Sumatera (Andalas), Kalimantan (Borneo), Selat
Malaka-Singapura, Papua Nuginia (Irian)
2.Klasifikasi Pulau Sunda Kecil :
Kepulauan Maluku, Bali, Lombok, Sumbawa, Timor, Sumba, Pulau2 kecil
lainnya yang sampai sekarang masuk pengakuan Negara Kesatuan
Republik Indonesia..

Bangsa :
Bangsa Sunda Nusantara sudah berumur 86000.000 (delapan puluh enam
juta tahun silam) merupakan bangsa tertua di Asia Tenggara sebagai
induk bangsa yang melahirkan bermacam-macam suku-suku di
wilayah /daratan Sunda Nusantara-Sunda Melayu, yang sekarang berubah
nama Negara Kesatuan Negara Republik Indonesia.
Politik :
*Kerajaan Sunda Nusantara sejak abad 15 sudah mengadakan hubungan
diplomatic pada Negara-negara seluruh dunia, sampai dengan saat ini
secara de facto, de yure dan legitimate masih mendapatkan pengakuan
(Internationalle recognized Negara-negara seluruh dunia di bawah
naungan Badan Persatuan Bangsa-Bangsa (PBB) dan Mahkamah
International di negeri Belanda.
* Pada akhir perang dunia ke II, kedatangan penjajah bernama
Netherland India Commisiton Administration (NICA) tepatnya tahun
1945-1950 menyerahkan kekuasaannya kepada Republik Indonesia Serikat
(1950) dan mengakibatkan timbulnya pemerintahan baru di bawah
pimpinan Mr. Ir Soekarno dengan beberapa kali pergantian pimpinan
sampai dengan sekarang ini.
* Pemerintahan tersebut diatas berkembang di wilayah Negara lama
yaitu wilayah daratan Kerajaan Maha Raja Sunda-Sunda Nusantara-Sunda
Melayu Nusantara dengan pimpinan kepala Negara dan Kepala
Pemerintahan Sunda-Sunda Nusantara pada abad 18 ini di pimpin oleh
yang beristana di Jakarta, Bogor, Cipanas, Sorosowan (Banten) dan

Sejarah :
Pada abad 18 dengan pesatnya perkembangan Agama Islam di wilayah
Sunda Nusantara pimpinan Sunda Nusantara telah menganut Agama Islam
dengan patuh seperti pada masa 1513-1552 SERI BADUGA BAGINDA
Wali Sanga/Sembilan) lahir di Mekkah tahun : 1488. yang merupakan
anak dari pasangan RAJA MESIR SYARIEF ABDULAH AL-MISRI (Generasi ke
yang wafat di Madinah thn 1528 di makamkan di keluarga Rosul.Sunan
Gunung Jati menikah dengan (Permaisuri) CROWN PRINCE PANGERAN PUTRI
PEMBAYUN yang merupakan putri dari PB. Brawijaya V. Ajaran Agama
Islam ini dipegang teguh oleh para ahli wari tachta kerajaan
terutama sebagai pimpinan kepala Negara dan kepala pemerintahan.
MISRI yang wafat pada tahun 1840 di desa Burakan rembang Jawa
Tengah. Dalam peperangan terbuka (10 Mei 1810) dapat menumpas
pasukan Gubernur Jenderal Hindia Belanda Herman Wiliem Daendeles.
Dalam peperangan itu ditaklukkan (10 Mei 1810-1811) Gubernur
Jenderal HW Daendeles beserta pasukannya menyerah tanpa syarat dan
H.W daendeles dipenjarakannya. Istana Kepala Negara dan Kepala
Pemerintahan terletak di Jakarta, Bogor, cipanas dan sorosowan

Thomas Stamford Raffles (1810-1816) dengan akal cerdiknya mengajak
pimpinan tertinggi Kepala Negara dan kepala pemerintahan Kerajaan
Maharaja Sunda-Sunda Nusantara Kaisar Achmad pergi jalan-
jalan/pelesir ke pulau Banda Maluku (Pulau Sunda Kecil) dengan
alasan menyambut kemenangan tanpa syarat terhadap penumpasan H.W
Deandeles. Selanjutnya Kaisar Achmad di tinggalkan begitu saja
dengan tangan diikat di pulau Banda dan pemerintahan Sunda Nusantara
diambil alih dan pengambilan alihan itu meluas sampai Selat Malaka-
Singapura. Sunda Nusantara yang sudah sejak 86 juta silam dan sudah
berhubungan diplomatic sejag abad 15, perjalanan sejarahnya
mengalami beberapa peristiwa sejarah didalamnya. Dari bentuk
kerajaan hinga Republik sekarang ini.

A ------B------B------C-------D-------E-----F------G-----H

A-H : Bentangan sejarah Sunda Nusantara kurun waktu kurang lebih 86
juta tahun.
B-B : Bentuk Zaman Kerajaan
C : Peristiwa kebangkitan bangsa oleh Alumnus dari Negri Belanda
D : tahun 1945 Peristiwa Proklamasi Kemerdekaan RI
E : tahun 1947/48 Clash I&II Belanda ingin merebut kembali
F : tahun 1950 Negara Indonesia Serikat (RIS)
G : tahun 1959 Dekrit Presiden, gugurnya Republik Indonesia Serikat
(RIS) menjadi Republik Indonesia (RI) kembali s/d sekarang
H : tahun 2006 Pemerintahan Negara Kesatuan Republik Indonesia (NKRI)

Kesejahteraan seluruh bangsa rakyat Sunda Nusantara didaratan Sunda
Nusantara-Sunda Melayu sampai saat ini di simpan di 93 Negara dalam
bentuk assat-asset :
•Collaterals in federal reserve certificate of the united states
America Bound Guarantee
•Redland Merchant Bank of Switzerland
•Obligation certificate of deposit credit Swiss Bank International
•Certificate of Swiss Bank Corporation Obligation treasure Bound
National Bank of England
•Bank de Netherlands
•City Bank New York and United Overseas Bank Singapore
Selain itu asset-asset ini juga berbentuk logam mulia, platinum, dan
benda-benda berharga lainnya yang dikumpulkan oleh Raja-raja di
seluruh Sunda Nusantara di daratan Sunda Melayu Nusantara Bangsa
Sunda Nusantara di daratan Sunda Nusatara di kepulauan Sunda Besar-
Sunda Kecil, Di samping itu masih tersimpan uang sebesar 4000
triliun poundsterling yang tersimpan di Negara Inggris. Dapat
dibayangkan betapa besarnya asset-asset bangsa Sunda Nusantara yang
hingga saat ini masih tersimpan dan tersebar di luar negeri yang di
sebut the making of a super power dan Sunda Nusantara Dollar
Trilion, milik pemerintah Negara Kerajaan Bangsa Sunda Nusantara.
Seandainya Pemerintah Negara Kesatuan Republik Indonesia yang
dipimpin oleh Bpk. Presiden Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono saat ini
berkenan untuk mengakses dan mengakomodasi eksisnya kerajaan Sunda
Nusantara, kiranya sangat membantu mengatasi penderitaan
bangsa/rakyat yang telah mengalami keterpurukan hidup yang menimpa
sampai saat ini. Di samping itu asset-aset tersebut dapat di
pergunakan untuk melunasi hutang pemerintah yang menggunung sejak
Presiden Soeharto sampai dengan saat ini. Sehingga kesejahteraan,
keadilan dan kemakmuran bangsa Indonesia cepat terwujud sesuai
dengan cita-cita yang tercantum dalam Pembukaan UUD 1945 khususnya
alinea kedua (tata tentrem karta tur raharja, adil berkemakmuran,
makmur berkeadilan) Insya Allah.
Untuk mendapatkan kebenaran secara akurat, tentunya masih diperlukan
pengkajian, penelitian dan penganalisaaan lebih lanjut. Semoga kita
semua selalu mendapat perlindungan dari Allah SWT, Amien ya

sumber :

Historical Perception, Collateral Accounts and the Wealth of the World,
Are the "Royal Families of the World" still running things?
original title before DrBubb changed it:
"Mr Whistleblower, working with OITC" says...

(request from drBubb to BHP-T.):

Please provide a summary here.
No one will read all this, unless they have some idea of what you are talking about

Is it this:
The OITC and the Royal Families of the world will eventually provide $55 Trillion to save the world from it current
worsening mess. But if our leaders choose to take it, it will come with a new global currency, and a new system
of leadership.

How do bits like this fit in ?:
1/ "If you carefully analyse our information, especially our method of introducing financial assistance to any one country, you will appreciate that the methodology and mechanisms employed by the OITC actually avoid a uni-polar system and allows for each country to gain Financial Independence from what is commonly referred to as colonialism by one or more of the so-called greater nations.

2/ "Only 2 years ago, we came across a group who referred themselves as “Knights Templar” attempting to buy Gold which was stolen out of the Philippines and Thailand. They were working with the Federal Reserve and Deutsche Bank in Germany. Another example happened quite recently with another general inquiry to us. This one we saw through quite quickly and as it turns out we are now aware of how, in part, the “Jews” control many countries in Africa, utilising such organisations as the IMF, WB, and even the UN, plus various Intelligent Agencies."


Communications between us and a person, Mr Whistleblower, working with OITC.
We are asking for comments regarding the presentation and additional info.
Our text is black, his response in bold.

Source :

The Return of Royalty to Indonesia
The following are quotes and paraphrases from the article: “Return of the Sultans,” by Gerry van Klinken and comments by Donald P. Tick.
It is about the fact that “pomp and ceremony is returning to dusty palaces all over Indonesia.” (

The government of Indonesia as of December 2007 decided that ancient culture and royalty must be recognized. Hence, the Indonesian government has officially recognized the important contribution of the former small monarchs in their history and are registering the present heads of the ruling families as representing the former kings and sovereign princes who ruled their land. Apparently about 100 of about 300 have been screened so far as valid claimants. However, some have too many claimants as royal heads of heir particular branch and therefore may not be included among the honored. But this recognition is a great milestone for these ancient royal families.

The 2004 article starts off with the following two paragraphs:

The last sultan of Pontianak, Syarif Hamid II Alqadrie, was jailed for 10 years in 1953 for siding with the Dutch army against the Indonesian Republic during the revolution of 1945. When he died in 1978 the throne was left empty. His palace remained a somewhat run-down tourist attraction by the Kapuas River. In January 2004 a new sultan was installed in the Qadriah palace, a nephew of Sultan Hamid II. At the celebration to mark the occasion, golden umbrellas adorned the palace, and thousands of well-wishing guests dressed in traditional Malay finery feasted on food set out in long rows on mats. Massive cannon shots boomed over the river and Air Force Skyhawks performed acrobatics over the palace. The man who said the prayers almost choked on his tears; his father had taught the Koran to the entire Alqadrie family years ago. It seemed as if the past was not gone after all.

Long-dormant sultanates are being revived all over Indonesia. My own list, no doubt incomplete, contains about 24 of them in Kalimantan, Sumatra, Java, and Maluku. That does not count the 40 or so sultans and non-Islamic kings whose roles have not changed appreciably. Figures such as the sultan of Bima and the king of Kupang have always been respected as informal local leaders.

The governmental climate that has allowed this change is that a new governmental focus on:

Autonomy has brought not merely new administrative arrangements but a new kind of political struggle requiring new (or newly reinvented) symbols. The autonomy laws are focused on the districts (kabupaten), not on the provinces. The boundaries of these districts often reflect the numerous small kingdoms that were incorporated into the Netherlands Indies by Dutch colonists, some of which were described by Joseph Conrad in his stories, including Lord Jim. Areas ruled indirectly covered more than half the archipelago outside of Java. It should be no surprise that these kingdoms have now become symbols of district identity. The message to Jakarta is: don't underestimate us, we have a magnificent history.

It is important to remember that the sultans are symbols lacking real power. There is no question of them becoming real sultans; they are weekend sultans who hold regular jobs in the city, not the `off with his head!' sultans of another era.

Exactly what the symbols mean is more difficult to determine. There is no doubt that Indonesia's sultans are well liked and the notion of kingship remains a popular one. . . .

The royal families I have spoken with in West Kalimantan say their leadership is meant to bring different ethnic groups together. They point out that their forefathers married into many different groups in order to extend their influence, as kings have always done. The Mempawah royal family has Bugis and Dayak blood as well as Malay in its lineage, making the sultanate a symbol of an all-embracing unity. . . .

However, these symbols can become divisive if turned to real political power. . . .

The author concluded, “It is yet to be determined if the new sultans can be a positive influence on local politics. . . .”

Donald Tick states:

The king; sultan Hamengku Buwono X of Yogjakarta, tried during the presidential election of 2009, to become the new president, but it was not yet the time for it, although he was very popular.

The royalty are now represented by 3 organisations: FKKAS (for Sulawesi only), FKIKS (the oldest one) and FSKN (this last one is the most succesful and is seen as the official one, but it has some political problems in it's history).

. . . The organising of royal festivals can be a way of showing royal culture to outsiders and especially to their own people, who with amazement sees the rich culture, which was pushed back for such a long time [since 1945].

Time will tell, how the royalty and the people will deal with all of this, because it is a living process with human beings, who must choose and revalue an important matter in their existence.

We can only hope the best for them and that the Creator above will give them wisdom.

This article will be added to as more facts become apparent, but we welcome the recognition of royalty and its importance and relevance to modern times all over the earth.

Source :

yang di cuplik dari :

Pedang Ki Mastak Prabu Tadji Malela Pendiri Kerajaan Sumedanglarang
Pepeten (tempat Perhiasan) Peninggalan Pangeran Sugih
Bokor Emas
Mahkota Binokasih Sanghyang Pake merupakan Legitimasi Penerus Pajajaran kepada
Prabu Geusan Ulun selaku Nalendra Sumedanglarang
Siger Mahkota Binokasih Sanghyang Pake

Ikat Bahu Pasangan Mahkota Binokasih
Badik Curug Aul Senopati Pajajaran Jayaperkosa

Wayang Golek Peninggalan Pangeran Soegih

Keris Ki Dukun Prabu Gajah Agung
Pedang Pangeran Soegih
Keris Naga Sastra Pangeran Kornel

Seperangkat Meubel Jepara Adipati Soeriatmadja ketika mendapat gelar "Pangeran" dari Adipati Sosroningrat (Ayahanda RA Kartini)
Baju Tolak Bala Zaman Pangeran Soegih (Adipati Koesoemah Adinata)

Pakaian Prajurit Sumedanglarang
Tempat Sirih
Kujang Pajajaran Zaman Peninggalan Prabu Geusan Ulun

Gamelan Parakan Salak tahun 1883

Kereta Naga Paksi Tahun 1836
Goong Ageung Parakan Salak yang pernah ikut andil dalam Pembukaan Menara Efiel di Paris

Puade Tahun 1836

Kamis, 2009 Juli 23

Perkembangan Terakhir Proyek Penulisan Buku Sejarah Kerajaan Nusantara

Perkembangan Terakhir Proyek Penulisan Buku Sejarah Kerajaan Nusantara
22 Juli 2009
(Recent Development of Project “History of Indonesian Kingdoms and Princely States, July 22th 2009)

Pada hari ini berhasil dikumpulkan data sejarah 118 kerajaan di Indonesia! Saya berharap akan mendapatkan lebih banyak data lagi untuk melengkapi buku saya.
(Today I am able to collect the historical records of 118 kingdoms and princely states. I hope to get more datas to complete my book)

Akhirnya, saya berhasil juga mengumpulkan data 118 kerajaan yang tersebar dari Sabang sampai Merauke, padahal sebelumnya saya dilanda pesimisme akan dapat menyelesaikan proyek ini. Meskipun baru sepertiga dari keseluruhan jumlah kerajaan yang ada (300 kerajaan), tetapi perkembangan hari ini boleh dikatakan menggembirakan. Saya optimis akan dapat mendapatkan sisanya lagi. Adapun data kerajaan-kerajaan yang dapat saya kumpulkan hingga hari ini adalah sebagai berikut:

Today, I am able to collect historical record of 118 kingdoms an princely states in Indonesia; which are located from Sabang until Merauke. In the begining, I was overwhelmed by such a feeling of uncertainty whether I can finish this project or not. But today’s development seems bring promises for the future, although the records are still one third of the 300 kingdoms and princely states ever existed. I am optimist that I can get the rest. The list of already available kingdoms is as following:

Kerajaan-kerajaan di Jawa Barat
1. Banten
2. Priangan
Kerajaan-kerajaan di Jawa Tengah dan Timur
Demak, Pajang, Mataram
3. Surakarta
4. Yogyakarta
5. Mangkunegaran
6. Pakualaman
7. Madura
Kerajaan-kerajaan di Aceh
8. Aceh
Kerajaan-kerajaan di Gayo (kejuron)
9. Cek
10. Buket
11. Karang
12. Linggo
13. Petiambang
14. Serbojadi Abok
15. Siah Utama
Kerajaan-kerajaan di Sumatera Utara, Barat, dan Timur
16. Asahan
17. Batak
18. Deli
19. Langkat
20. Minangkabau
21. Indrapura
22. Inderagiri dan Keritang
23. Kampar
24. Kepenuhan
25. Kuantan dan Kandis
26. Kuntur Daressalam
27. Pelalawan
28. Riau Lingga
29. Rokan
30. Segati
31. Siak Sri Inderapura
32. Tambusai
Kerajaan-kerajaan di Sumatera Selatan
33. Jambi
34. Palembang
Kerajaan-kerajaan di Bengkulu
35. Sungai Serut
36. Selebar
37. Depati Tiang Empat
38. Sungai Lemau
39. Sungai Itam
40. Anak Sungai
Kerajaan-kerajaan di Bali
41. Badung
42. Bangli
43. Buleleng
44. Gianyar
45. Jembrana
46. Karangasem
47. Klungkung
48. Mengwi
49. Tabanan
Kerajaan-kerajaan di Kalimantan Barat
50. Kubu
51. Landak
52. Meliau
53. Mempawah
54. Pontianak
55. Sambas
56. Sanggau
57. Selimbau
58. Simpang
59. Sintang
60. Sukadana
61. Matan
62. Tayan
63. Bunut
64. Jongkong
65. Piasa
66. Suhaid
67. Silat
Kerajaan-kerajaan di Kalimantan Tengah dan Selatan
68. Banjar
69. Kotawaringin
Kerajaan-kerajaan di Kalimantan Timur
70. Berau
71. Bulungan
72. Gunung Tabur
73. Kutai Kartanegara
74. Pasir
75. Sambaliung
76. Tanah Tidung
Kerajaan-kerajaan di Sulawesi Utara
77. Bolaang
Kerajaan-kerajaan di Sulawesi Tengah
78. Banawa
79. Bangga
80. Banggai
81. Bungku
82. Buol
83. Dolo
84. Kulawi
85. Mori
86. Moutong
87. Palu
88. Parigi
89. Poso
90. Sigi
91. Tawaili
92. Tojo
93. Toli-Toli
94. Una-Una
Kerajaan-kerajaan di Sulawesi Selatan
95. Bone
96. Gowa
97. Tallo
Kerajaan-kerajaan di Sulawesi Tenggara
98. Laiwui

Kerajaan-kerajaan di Maluku
99. Ternate
Kerajaan-kerajaan di Nusa Tenggara Barat
kerajaan-kerajaan di Pulau Sumbawa
100. Bima
101. Dompu
102. Pekat (Papekat)
103. Sanggar
104. Sumbawa
105. Tambora
Kerajaan-kerajaan di Nusa Tenggara Timur
Kerajaan-kerajaan di Pulau Flores
106. Larantuka
107. Manggarai
Kerajaan-kerajaan di Pulau Timor
108. Amabi
109. Amanatun
110. Amanuban
111. Amarasi
112. Amfoan
113. Foenay
114. Helong
115. Insana
116. Kupang
117. Lamakmen
118. Miomaffo
119. Molo

Sumber :

Royal Families of the World

The following is a list of heads of royal families and royal heads of state and in some cases the royal heir. This page, however, is incomplete and in some cases controversy exists about who is the rightful head. We are working to make this list as accurate and inclusive as possible. The valid and genuine Princes of India and most of the "de jure" royalty of Asia are unfortunately not included. Any additions or corrections are most welcome. Thank you.
Source :


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Sultan Sepuh XIV Pangeran Raja Arief Natadiningrat :

"Kami berharap, negara ini tidak melupakan sejarah. Dulu sebelum kemerdekaan Bung Karno meminta dukungan keraton untuk bisa membuat NKRI terwujud, karena saat itu tak ada dana untuk mendirikan negara. Saat itu keraton-keraton menyerahkan harta yang mereka punya untuk kemerdekaan negara ini,"