Friday, 27 August 2010

New Gold Demand Trends and updated Supply and Demand Statistics

New Gold Demand Trends and updated Supply and Demand Statistics


We have just published our latest issue of Gold Demand Trends, which suggests demand for gold will remain robust during 2010 as a result of accelerating demand from India and China, as well as increasing global investment demand driven by continuing uncertainty over public debt and economic recovery.


Demand for gold for the rest of 2010 will be underpinned by the following market forces:

  • India and China will continue to provide the main thrust of overall growth in demand, particularly for gold jewellery, for the remainder of 2010.
  • Retail investment will continue to be a substantial source of gold demand in Europe.
  • Over the longer-term, demand for gold in China is expected to grow considerably. A report recently published by The People’s Bank of China and five other organisations to foster the development of the domestic gold market will add impetus to the growth in gold ownership among Chinese consumers.
  • Electronics demand is likely to return to higher historic levels after the sector exhibited further signs of recovery, especially in the US and Japan.

Demand statistics for Q2 2010

  • Total gold demand in Q2 2010 rose by 36% to 1,050 tonnes, largely reflecting strong gold investment demand compared to the second quarter of 2009. In US$ value terms, demand increased 77% to $40.4 billion.
  • Investment demand was the strongest performing segment during the second quarter, posting a rise of 118% to 534.4 tonnes compared with 245.4 tonnes in Q2 2009.
  • The largest contribution to this rise came from the ETF segment of investment demand, which grew by 414% to 291.3 tonnes, the second highest quarter on record.
  • Physical gold bar demand, which largely covers the non-western markets, rose 29% from Q2 2009 to 96.3 tonnes.
  • Global jewellery demand remained robust in Q2 2010. In the face of surging price levels, consumption totalled 408.7 tonnes during the second quarter of 2010, just 5% below year-earlier levels.
  • Gold jewellery demand in India, the largest jewellery market, was little changed from year-earlier levels, down just 2% at 123.0 tonnes. In local currency terms, this translates to a 20% increase in the value of demand to Rp216 billion.
  • China saw demand for gold jewellery increase by 5% to 75.4 tonnes. While growth in demand in tonnage terms was hindered by extreme weather conditions, the growth in the local currency value measure of demand was 35% to RMB 19.8 billion.
  • With the return of demand for consumer electronics, industrial demand grew by 14% to 107.2 tonnes, compared to Q2 2009.

The Wisdom Of King Solomon...

The Wisdom Of King Solomon...

“God gave King Solomon great wisdom and understanding, and knowledge too vast to be measured. In fact, his wisdom exceeded that of all the wise men of the East and the wise men of Egypt. He was wiser than anyone else…He composed some 3,000 proverbs and wrote 1,005 songs. He could speak with authority about all kinds of plants, from the great cedar of Lebanon to the tiny hyssop that grows from cracks in a wall. He could also speak about animals, birds, reptiles, and fish. And kings from every nation sent their ambassadors to listen to the Wisdom Of King Solomon” (1 Kings 4:29-34, NLT, emphasis mine).

...The Wisest and Richest Man On Earth

“So king Solomon exceeded all the kings of the earth in riches and in wisdom. All the earth sought the presence of Solomon, to hear his wisdom, which God had put in his heart. They brought every man his tribute, vessels of silver, and vessels of gold, and clothing, and armor, and spices, horses, and mules, a rate year by year” (1 Kings 10:23-25, WEB).

Click Here For More “About King Solomon”

Islamic view of the Queen of Sheba

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The Queen of Sheba, known in Islamic tradition as Bilquis, was invited by Solomon to Islam and thus submitted to God.

The Qur'an never mentioned the Queen of Sheba by name, though Arab sources name her Bilqis. The story is similar to the one in the Bible. The Qur'anic narrative has Solomon getting reports of a kingdom ruled by a queen whose people worship the sun. He sends a message inviting her to the worship of God. She replied with a gift after consulting her people. The gift offends Solomon and he started to make preparations for war. The Queen of Sheba then decides to meet Solomon. Upon discovering that the Queen is coming to meet him, Solomon asked his people if anyone can bring the throne of the Queen before she arrives. A jinn under the control of Solomon proposed that he will bring it before Soloman rises from his seat. One who had knowledge of the "Book" proposed to bring him the throne of Bilqis 'in the twinkling of an eye' and accomplished that immediately (27:40). The queen arrives at his court, is shown her throne and asked: does your throne look like this? She replied: (It is) as though it were it. When she enters his crystal palace she accepts Abrahamic monotheism and the worship of God alone. See Biblical narratives and the Qur'an.

This story is from (27:23) to (27:44), chapter 27.

[edit] Islamic Belief Addition

According to Ibn Kathir, "Stories of the Prophets", Solomon traveled on a Pilgrimage to the Holy Mosque in Mecca (rebuilt by prophet Abrahim). Afterwards, he continued south to the city of Sanaa, the modern-day capital of Yemen, where he was impressed by the complex water channeling system. (Geographically, Sanaa is nearby Ma'arib, the believed capital of the Land of Sheba as will be explained.) Solomon sent the hoopoe bird to survey the land as it could detect water underground so that he may build a similar system of irrigation in his own kingdom. The hoopoe returns to an angry king as it he had taken more time than expected with news of a kingdom (Saba) ruled by a queen (Bilqis) worshipping the sun.

The Quran does not blatanly mention exactly where the kingdom extended, but many Islamic sources definitely mention the capital of the kingdom as the city of Ma'arib, Yemen, located just 2 hours by car away from Sanaa. Additionally, archaeological finds have found a temple of worship ("Ma'bed Bilqis", Bilqis' Temple, in Ma'arib, Yemen).

In 572 C.E. a plague of mice ate through the dam in Ma'arib, causing a flood that literally annihilated the city and its people. The Quran mentions in Surah 34, 15-16 how the Kingdom of Sheba was destroyed centuries after Bilqis because the people reverted to polytheism. "There was, for Saba, aforetime, a sign in their Homeland--two Gardens; to the right and to the left...But they turned away (from God), and we sent against them the flood (released) from the Dams, and we converted their two Garden (rows) into "gardens" producing bitter fruit, and tamarisks, and some few (stunted) Lote-trees" (Abdullah Yusuf Ali translation; or jujube, Denise Masson's French translation). There are NO Islamic sources mentioning that Bilqis was the "sister of the sun" or daughter of a jinn/spirit. It is common belief that Bilqis was single at the time of her meeting Solomon and married him shortly thereafter.

Thursday, 26 August 2010

Depkeu Dirikan Lembaga Penjaminan Infrastruktur

Economy - Fiskal & Moneter

Depkeu Dirikan Lembaga Penjaminan Infrastruktur

Kamis, 31 Desember 2009 - 10:35 wib
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Ade Hapsari Lestarini - Okezone
Gedung Depkeu. Foto:

JAKARTA - Pemerintah mendirikan sebuah lembaga penjaminan bernama PT Penjaminan Infrastruktur Indonesia (PH) sebagai implementasi komitmen percepatan pembangunan infrastruktur.

Seperti diungkapkan Direktur Barang Milik Negara Departemen Keuangan (Depkeu) Arif Baharudin dalam siaran persnya seperti dikutip dari situs Depkeu, di Jakarta, Kamis (31/12/2009), pendirian lembaga ini juga menjadi salah satu pelaksanaan program 100 hari pemerintahan saat ini.

Keberadaan lembaga PH ini diharapkan dapat melengkapi kerangka instrumen keuangan pendukung program Kerja sama Pemerintah Swasta (KPSjPPP) di bidang infrastruktur yang sebelumnya telah dibentuk oleh Depkeu seperti penyediaan dana land capping, penyediaan dana bergulir untuk pembebasan tanah (land revolving fund), dan pendirian PT Sarana Multi Infrastruktur (SMl).

Tujuan dari didirikannya lembaga ini adalah, pertama untuk menekan financing cost proyek-proyek KPS infrastruktur dengan cara meningkatkan kelayakan kredit (creditworthiness) proyek tersebut melalui pemberian jaminan terhadap risiko proyek yang diperjanjikan dengan pemerintah.

Kedua, perusahaan ini juga diharapkan dapat membantu pemerintah dalam pengelolaan risiko fiskal dengan cara memberikan batas (ring fencing) bagi APBN agar terhindar dari akibat yang mendadak (sudden impact) dari klaim terhadap penjaminan yang diberikan kepada proyek-proyek infrastruktur.

Ketiga, pendirian PH diharapkan dapat meningkatkan kualitas proyek KPS dan membangun kerangka yang konsisten dan komprehensif dalam menilai dan memberikan penjaminan kepada proyek PPP.

Dengan penyertaan modal negara sejumlah Rp1 triliun, perusahaan ini akan dimiliki 100 persen oleh pemerintah. Seiring dengan penguatan kapasitas pengelolaan penjaminan dan bertambahnya proyek yang dijamin, pemerintah berencana untuk meningkatkan modalnya secara bertahap di masa yang akan datang.

Perusahaan ini didirikan sebagai sebuah BUMN dan akan dijalankan secara komersial serta dikelola secara profesional untuk mendapatkan rating penjaminan yang diharapkan mencapai peringkat investasi (investment grade).

Peningkatan rating akan dilakukan dengan pengelolaan penjaminan yang profesional, pelibatan lembaga multilateral yang memiliki peringkat AAA dan kerja sama penjaminan dengan pihak lain.

Perusahaan ini juga didukung oleh lembaga-lembaga multilateral, termasuk Bank Dunia yang telah menyiapkan pinjaman sebesar Rp1,5 triliun untuk membantu pendanaan PH dan mengembangkan standar pengelolaan dan pelayanannya.

Di masa yang akan datang, perusahaan juga diharapkan dapat melakukan kerja sama dengan lembaga-Iembaga keuangan multilateral yang lain dalam melakukan penjaminan.

Pendirian perusahaan ini dilaksanakan dengan penandatanganan akta pendirian oleh Direktur jenderal Kekayaan Negara Bapak Hadiyanto pada 30 Desember 2009. Sementara bertindak sebagai Direktur Utama yakni Sinthya Roesly, Komisaris Utama Freddy Rickson Saragih, dan Komisaris Ayu Sukorini.(ade)


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Sultan Sepuh XIV Pangeran Raja Arief Natadiningrat :

"Kami berharap, negara ini tidak melupakan sejarah. Dulu sebelum kemerdekaan Bung Karno meminta dukungan keraton untuk bisa membuat NKRI terwujud, karena saat itu tak ada dana untuk mendirikan negara. Saat itu keraton-keraton menyerahkan harta yang mereka punya untuk kemerdekaan negara ini,"